An entire subculture of people (usually angsty teens) with a fake personality. The concept of Emo is actually a vicious cycle that never ends, to the utter failing of humanity, and it goes something like this:

1. Girls say they like "sensitive guys" (lie)
2. Guy finds out, so he listens to faggy emo music and dresses like a dork so chicks will see that he is sensitive and not afraid to express himself (lie). He dyes his hair black, wraps himself in a stupid looking scarf, develops an eating disorder, and rants about how "nobody understands".
3. Now an emo guy, he meets Emo chick and they start dating, talking about how their well-off suburban lifestyles are terrible and depressing (lie)
4. Emo guy is just too much of a pussy. His penis is too small, he's too depressed to bathe, and has more mood swings than emo chick, and he doesn't even have a menstrual cycle. Emo chick dumps him, saying "It's not you, it's me." (lie) as she drives off with Wayne, the school jock and captain of the football team.
5. Emo guy goes home and cries, proceeds to write a weak song and strum a single string on his acoustic guitar. Another emo chick sees how he is so in touch with his feelings, and the cycle continues.

This is the sad truth of the emo lifestyle/music, and now that I look at how pathetic it really is, maybe the emos DO have something to cry about!

Like a Goth, only much less dark and much more Harry Potter.

"My life sucks, I want to cry."

dusand  20. 5. 2006 12:57
Dobré, ale dosť dobre si neviem preložiť/vyložiť "emo" Ale to nevadí, princíp som zachytil.
jp  20. 5. 2006 13:07
emo je nadavka... ale vskutocnosti to vzniklo od emotional punk
dusand  20. 5. 2006 13:08
hehe. emotional punk a v akej krajine je to nadávka?
jp  20. 5. 2006 13:11
v krajine internet...
jp  20. 5. 2006 13:14
ako noob a podobne... inak ten opis dost pasuje na par ludi...
dusand  22. 5. 2006 09:41
jp  19. 1. 2007 21:54
no... to nadavka to bola taka mystifikacia...
markonix  19. 1. 2007 22:00
dobre, teraz mi to došlo, tak ako ja nadávam na rap teraz mne nadávajú na EMO ( nie nadávajú ako v inom zmysle) asi sa mi to vrátilo.........

napísal si to vtipne hoc takýchto parodovaných článkov o Emo je na nete kopa, vlastne všetky informácie sú čerpané z internetu (záporné aj kladné)
janik91  23. 1. 2007 01:11
ta som si nasiel ze co to ten EMO je na nete, bo sa mi zdalo ze uz osprostievam na stare kolena a stava sa zo mna nejaky te EMU ale, este chvilku mi to potrva, hoci musim priznat ze od toho nemam daleko ach keby som tak mal 16 boze
lyra  26. 1. 2007 13:44
heh tak to by ta mozno mohlo zaujiat toto dielo

likemotion  19. 9. 2007 14:03
ahojky fajn clanok ale co ja viem .. ale moc mu nerozumiem
a.k.a.alias  5. 4. 2008 17:03
myslim ze toto presne vyjadrilo moje pocity z tohto clanku ...aj ked povodne sa mi zdalo ze EMO je od emotional rock nie punk, ale v podstate je to jedno lebo tak ci tak je to odpad...ale pobavila som sa
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