Do you want one of those fancy smartphones such as an iPhone? I got mine yesterday.

I wanted a new model of iPhone for a long time. And finally, when I came from the school last Friday, I found it on my bed. But my expectations did not align with reality.

My shiny black iPhone was waiting on my bed and I was anxious to open it. I turned on my new iPhone, connected it to the Internet and I started downloading all the cool applications, games and music my friends had in their phones. I had been playing with my new toy the whole day and night. I did not even hang out with my friends as I was supposed to. The new phone became my new obsession.

Next Monday, there was no laughing at all around me during the lunch break as it always used to be. I did not talk to my friends neither I did not make them smile, because I was playing a games in my iPhone with headphones in my ears. Old friends had been replaced by new phone with which I was still fascinated.

But my excitement quickly dropped off. After couple of days I got used to my iPhone, it became routine and it was not new anymore, it got some scratches on the cover. I also tried all the applications and I found out that for some unknown reason they are not as funny as they looked in the phones of other people.

I realized one important thing, that even though I wanted new iPhone so much, it neither did not make me any happier nor it did not make me a better person at all, but, on the contrary, it made me sad, when I later thought about it, because my friends did not have fun with me during that day. Fortunately, I realized that very soon and my friends forgave me my one-day absence.

Nowadays, people often fall into illusion that material things are really what can bring them happiness. While it is true on the one hand, that some things can improve our lifes and cheer us for a little while, they will never make us happy. We will never be truly satisfied with the things, because there will be always something better or more shiny that we have. Our new phone can and will become old and useless, but old friends will never do; they will be still there for us, making us happy.

Krátka esej z mojej English class.

< Predošlý deň Ďalší deň >

mortycia  17. 11. 2010 03:21
ty si ako môj brat. aj ten strávil pri novom mobile celý deň a všelijako si ho vylepšoval.

btw, ty bývaš vo Waterforde a ja chodím okolo takého bloku bytov, ktorý sa tiež volá The Waterford
murcatko  17. 11. 2010 04:05
@mortycia síce sa to nezakladá na skutočnosti, ale asi taká by bola moja reakcia Von by som však s kamošmi išiel a tešili by sme sa všetci spolu, ale musel som tam dať nejaké poučenie

Waterfordov je na svete asi 14 , teda pokiaľ rátam iba mestá, nieto ulice
matii  17. 11. 2010 11:18
Pekne si naložil americkej kultúre
3mm  17. 11. 2010 11:27
@matii keby len americkej
zeriavka  17. 11. 2010 12:02
toto je super napísané!
klidopido  17. 11. 2010 12:03
betsyshooby  17. 11. 2010 13:33
myslím, že na pár dní by som bola mimo zo smartphonu ale to by prešlo

ináč by som ti dala aj 50* od samého šťastia, že tomu rozumiem =D
ceruzisko  17. 11. 2010 16:54

toto nie je kultúra, to je nekultúra. reálna americká kultúra je niekde úplne inde a to, čo dnes do Európy preniká ako kvalita je smutný masový produkt väčšinovej demencie.
sanduleak  17. 11. 2010 18:25
krásne napísané
overexcitedgirl  17. 11. 2010 19:13
na začiatku na to pozerám, že no dobre, šak nebudem ničomu rozumieť ale! som prekvapila samu seba a rozumela som tomu!!
marttina  17. 11. 2010 20:29
strasne sa mi pacili tvoje blogy. v poslednej dobe vsak z nich mam pocit, ze ide len o to nieco zbuchat a dat von, pripadne napisat nejake frazy, ktore aj tak citane budu, hlavne ze to ma dobry nadpis.
hereiam  17. 11. 2010 22:52
som rada, že je to anglickyyy
madlygirl  16. 12. 2010 13:10
@overexcitedgirl presne toto som si povedala aj ja ...a tiež som na moje počudovanie chápala
wandush  16. 12. 2010 16:58
a je improve our lives, nie lifes to len tak, lebo to si naši američania vždy všimnú ako prvé
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