Oh...Shit!!! My article was deleted....x| It was so good article... In short - it was about my situation... It´ll be spring soon... I´m so happy about it... But... The physical olympiad is waiting for me... in mouth I should do my tasks... But I don´t feel like it.... What did I want to write? Hmm... So... We go to the 9th class. We don´t care a fig for school... We just spite our teachers, haha . In fact, we did it always... But now we have little more notitions . Last time, in thursday, my schoolmate was very funny. He didn´t have homework, so then he had to write a notice to his (žiacka knižka . He wrote: Nepodarilo sa mi doniesť slohovú prácu načas. We laughed like a mads ... However, our classteacher wasn´t very happy. Exactly, she was wery angry, so she took his( žiacku and she writed: I was sloven and I didn´t do my homework. Then she signed it. We started laugh once again, because our teacher is big pedant and she couldnt write this...( I was sloven) . We told her: ,, But you writed it as you, thats your font and singature, Mrs. Teacher! " We were still laughing... She was stumbled... Poor classteacher... We are past hopes... On friday we asked her, where we will go on a school trip. She was still angry( ,, I think nowhere! You are ignorant persons! I´m very annoyed!" etc...). Well, she should understand, we are teenagers... We aren´t adults... Maybe it´s difficult for her, because she´s 56 years old...

As you can see, I write in english...I must have some practice, because my english is poor (I learn it 9 years, but i speak terrible.). It´s a more exacting write in english. I will not do this very often, but sometimes I need to change language, or style of writing...

P.S.: Predpokladám, že to nie je gramaticky správne... Ak nájdete chybu, napíšte do komentárov pls...

dreamagall  5. 5. 2008 19:48
kebyže ti tu idem vypísať všetky chyby tak to bude dosť dlhé, mno ale nie je zlé precvičovať si anglinu

čo je sloven?
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