A True Friend - Essay

When somebody says to me: ,, You are my true friend. " I'm glad to hear it. But anyway, I have to ask myself: ,, Am I really a true friend? "
Who is a true friend? What are we expecting of a true friends?

Friends play an important role in a person's life.
They cheer up when one is sad, they show up when one is lonely, and they listen when one has problems.
I have never said "NO" to my friends, when they needed my help. I am always happy when he or she (doesn't matter who) asks me for a favour. I always listen and if I can, and it is in my ability to help to solve a problem, of course I do help.

Only a friend who helps out when we are in trouble is a true friend—unlike others who disappear when trouble arises.

I think the most common expectacions of a true friends are to entertain, to help and to never betray.
So, am I really a true friend? And are you a true friend?

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