×{literally trnsltd EN idioma - zo série písanej podľa Birdzó kategórií k zaradeniu}×

Where it was, there it was
(kde bolo, tam bolo),
Once upon a time
(raz na čas)

there was a cock and bull story (bol raz príbeh o kohútovi a býkovi),
and it wasn't just beating a dead horse (a nebol len mlátením mŕtveho koňa).

in fact it said you shouldn't put all your eggs in one basket
(vlastne, reku, nemali by ste vkladať všetky svoje vajcá do jedného košíka)

and that you shouldn't count your chickens before their hatch
(a že by ste nemali počítať svoje kury, než sa vyliahnu)

it said both people and other animals are dropping like flies
(reku, ľudia i ostatné zvieratá padajú ako muchy)

(which are, of course, animals as well)
((ktoré sú, samozrejme, tiež zvieratami)

and that what happens now is an outright ethnic, class and specietal cleansing
(a že to, čo sa práve deje, je otvorená etnická, triedna, druhová čistka)

and that having something against that ain't just a flash in the pan
(a že mať čosi proti tomu nie je púhy záblysk v panvici).

well excuse my french, mayhaps it is just my gut feeling that this fucking sucks
(nuže, ospravedlňte moju francúzštinu, azda je to len mvój vnútornostný pocit, že toto jeblotne cucia)

and i've got to admit (a musím pripustiť),
while being just a drop in the bucket (súc len kvapkou vo vedre),
that the cock and bull story is not so unbelievable anymore
(že príbeh o kohútovi a býkovi už nie je tak neuveriteľný),

that not only that male chicks, male calves drop dead
(že nielenže sú kury-samci, teľce-samci kvapku mŕtve),
and kick the bucket, and hit the hay, euphemistically
(a kopú do vedra a udierajú seno, eufemizovane),

but also other animals are being treated as things
let's make no bones about that
(no s inými zvieratami sa tiež zaobchádza ako s vecami
nerobme si ohľadom toho kosti)

whoever feels that this drives them against the wall
and is just generally about them and not the victim
should have a bird flipped at them
(ktokoľvek má pocit, že ho toto vedie proti múru
a je skrátka vo všeobecnosti o nich a nie o obeti
by mal byť šľahnutý vtákom)

and eventually be sent to a funny farm
(a eventuálne byť zaslaný na vtipnú farmu)


This whole situation is a hell in a handbasket
(táto celá situácia je peklom v príručnom košíku).

For me, behind me (pre mňa, za mňa)---

regardless of what happens next I took my lesson

---I know Rome wasn't built in one day

so start from scratch, rise and shine,
don't turn a blind eye,

the ball is in your court,
use your loaf,

don't give in to the feeding frenzy,
don't wag the dog,

don't be a doubting Thomas
of factual evidence,

don't be a backseat driver,
do what is right at the drop of a hat,

don't beat around the bush
or bite your tongue,

cross your fingers
and cut to the chase!

any welfare reform = fools' gold.
know the ropes.

abolish the slavery!
abolish all human and non-human exploitation!
and keep your chin up while at it.


hotaru  23. 11. 2014 12:22
jeblotne cucia ma odrovnalo
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