32-ročný muž, metro, moslim
najnedávnejšie lognutie
dnes 02:57
5465 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 14. apríla 2010
Uz je tomu 10 rokov, co sa EU zacala zaoberat zrusenim striedania casu. Som rad, ze jednoduche problemy vedia riesit rychlo a efektivne, mam vdaka tomu plnu doveru v ich schopnost riesit problemy zlozite.
4 komenty
Ja nechápem, prečo nemôže zostať letný cas No a čo, že pôvodný bol zimný. Letný ma rozhodne viac výhod.
A tiež ma štve zmena času zo zimného na letný, zle to znasam (zvlášť keď ja chodím spávať a vstať vždy v tom istom čase, tak mi to úplne rozhodí biorytmus). Ale so zmenou z letného na zimný nemám najmenší problém, konečne mám o hodinu viac času a vždy si to uzijem.
Ale chcem nechať letný! To chce podľa mňa väčšina ľudí.
A tiež ma štve zmena času zo zimného na letný, zle to znasam (zvlášť keď ja chodím spávať a vstať vždy v tom istom čase, tak mi to úplne rozhodí biorytmus). Ale so zmenou z letného na zimný nemám najmenší problém, konečne mám o hodinu viac času a vždy si to uzijem.
Ale chcem nechať letný! To chce podľa mňa väčšina ľudí.
@azizi @2 Nemoze, lebo je to zlozity problem predsa! Aha, robia, co mozu, neda sa rychlejsie
The European Union's consideration of abolishing daylight saving time (DST) has unfolded over several years, marked by various discussions, proposals, and delays. Here's a detailed timeline of actions and inactions in this regard:
2015-2016: The European Parliament held discussions and debates on the potential abolition of DST. However, the European Commission did not advance any legislative proposals at that time, citing insufficient evidence and varying opinions among member states.
February 8, 2018: The European Parliament adopted a resolution requesting the European Commission to evaluate the DST arrangements and consider proposing changes.
July 4 to August 16, 2018: The European Commission conducted an online public consultation, receiving 4.6 million responses, with 84voring the abolition of the biannual clock changes.
September 12, 2018: Based on the consultation results, the European Commission proposed to end seasonal clock changes by 2019, allowing each member state to choose either permanent standard time or permanent summer time.
March 26, 2019: The European Parliament voted in favor of discontinuing seasonal time changes, suggesting implementation by 2021 to provide member states adequate time for preparation.
2019-2020: Discussions stalled in the Council of the European Union. Member states expressed concerns about the potential for a fragmented time-zone map across Europe and requested a detailed impact assessment. The complexity of coordinating the change among countries led to delays.
October 2024: A group of 67 Members of the European Parliament, led by Irish MEP Sean Kelly, renewed calls to abolish the biannual clock changes, highlighting health risks and the outdated nature of the practice. Despite these efforts, no legislative action was taken.
March 2025: As of now, the EU has not reached a consensus to eliminate DST, and the practice of changing clocks continues across member states.
This timeline reflects the prolonged and ongoing debate within the EU regarding the abolition of daylight saving time, with significant public support but persistent political and logistical challenges hindering its resolution.
The European Union's consideration of abolishing daylight saving time (DST) has unfolded over several years, marked by various discussions, proposals, and delays. Here's a detailed timeline of actions and inactions in this regard:
2015-2016: The European Parliament held discussions and debates on the potential abolition of DST. However, the European Commission did not advance any legislative proposals at that time, citing insufficient evidence and varying opinions among member states.
February 8, 2018: The European Parliament adopted a resolution requesting the European Commission to evaluate the DST arrangements and consider proposing changes.
July 4 to August 16, 2018: The European Commission conducted an online public consultation, receiving 4.6 million responses, with 84voring the abolition of the biannual clock changes.
September 12, 2018: Based on the consultation results, the European Commission proposed to end seasonal clock changes by 2019, allowing each member state to choose either permanent standard time or permanent summer time.
March 26, 2019: The European Parliament voted in favor of discontinuing seasonal time changes, suggesting implementation by 2021 to provide member states adequate time for preparation.
2019-2020: Discussions stalled in the Council of the European Union. Member states expressed concerns about the potential for a fragmented time-zone map across Europe and requested a detailed impact assessment. The complexity of coordinating the change among countries led to delays.
October 2024: A group of 67 Members of the European Parliament, led by Irish MEP Sean Kelly, renewed calls to abolish the biannual clock changes, highlighting health risks and the outdated nature of the practice. Despite these efforts, no legislative action was taken.
March 2025: As of now, the EU has not reached a consensus to eliminate DST, and the practice of changing clocks continues across member states.
This timeline reflects the prolonged and ongoing debate within the EU regarding the abolition of daylight saving time, with significant public support but persistent political and logistical challenges hindering its resolution.

Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 3kratadost: Narazil som na hypotezu, ze gymrats nebyvaju chori, lebo posilka je plna...
- 2 Tomas5555555: Zrušiť zošity do škol ? Koment...
- 3 Mytickaentita: zisťujem, že ja už vôbec neviem byť produktívna bez hudby
- 4 Tulipanoo: camino den treti: opila som sa s dvoma 60-tnikmi
- 5 Y4nn4: "Milujem" bojovníkov za slobodu slova kt. Chcú tú slobodu slova iba pre seba.
- 6 Willbebetter: Prva malware analyza za mnou < 3
- 7 Azizi: Vau, pol ôsmej a ešte je stále trošku svetlo < 3 Len vstávanie...
- 8 Tulipanoo: camino den treti: 26, 6 km done, som specena jak paprika (nie, ...
- 9 Azizi: Zase mi matka svojim hysterickým záchvatom strašne ublížila Ja to už nedávam.
- 10 Teal: youtu.be/fl3J9Yt-dVs...
- 1 Mytickaentita: ňiii, to fakt má zapadať slnko o hodinu neskôr
- 2 Willbebetter: Fuh adolescence velke sklamanie. A pritom tak super tema, a tak onicom to...
- 3 3kratadost: Narazil som na hypotezu, ze gymrats nebyvaju chori, lebo posilka je plna...
- 4 Tomas5555555: Zrušiť zošity do škol ? Koment...
- 5 Mytickaentita: zisťujem, že ja už vôbec neviem byť produktívna bez hudby
- 6 Mezomus: preco nikto nezvysi limit na platcu dph?! >
- 7 Tulipanoo: camino den treti: opila som sa s dvoma 60-tnikmi
- 8 Y4nn4: "Milujem" bojovníkov za slobodu slova kt. Chcú tú slobodu slova iba pre seba.
- 9 Willbebetter: Prva malware analyza za mnou < 3
- 10 Jf: 12 hodin, 4. kava
- 1 Nats: akoze vacsinou neriesim tieto instagramove hviezdicky ale mira z ruze davala storku ze ona...
- 2 Mytickaentita: dnes ma od rána jebe úzkosť
- 3 Lostinthedark: Poslanci Mordoru zarabaju uz cez 7k? Curaci, ktori vam zdvihli dane, nie...
- 4 Melancholik: dve veci ktoré považujem za dosť sexy (z mnohých) .. keď žena vie, ...
- 5 Lostinthedark: Kokot no neskutocna reportaz v televiznych novinach na markize, o tu sa s...
- 6 Jf: Dnes den na p* a este aj zastrcku odpalim. Teraz musim hladat nejakeho kutila...
- 7 Mytickaentita: cítim sa ako taká vdova keď už 5 rokov nariekam, že mi chýba...
- 8 Karamella: čítam článok na denníku N, že zdravý človek by mal za týždeň zjesť...
- 9 Teal: Rozprával som sa s našim pánom Satanom, že vraj kvôli woke radikálnej chamradi...
- 10 Mytickaentita: ňiii, to fakt má zapadať slnko o hodinu neskôr
Do boha pice, ja neviem, jak moze vobec existovat zoskupenie takto mimoriadne neschopnych kokotov, ved to nie je mozne.