32-ročná žena
najnedávnejšie lognutie
8. 1.januára 2012 17:49
6415 dní na BIRDZi
regnutá od 31. mája 2007
2 komenty
...táto mi ju pripomína:
Something is about to give
I can feel it coming
I think I know what it is
I"m not afraid to die
I"m not afraid to live
And when I"m flat on my back
I hope to feel like I did
Cause hardness, it sets in
You need some protection
The thinner the skin
I want you to know
That you don"t need me anymore
I want you to know
You don"t need anyone, anything at all
Who"s to say where the wind will take you
Who"s to know what it is will break you
I don"t know which way the wind will blow
Who"s to know when the time has come around
Don"t wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
In summer I can taste the salt in the sea
There"s a kite blowing out of control on a breeze
I wonder what"s gonna happen to you
You wonder what has happened to me
I"m a man, I"m not a child
A man who sees
The shadow behind your eyes
Who"s to say where the wind will take you
Who"s to know what it is will break you
I don"t know where the wind will blow
Who"s to know when the time has come around
I don"t wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn"t taste it
Life should be fragrant
Roof top to the basement
The last of the rock stars
When hip hop drove the big cars
In the time when new media
Was the big idea
That was the big idea
...táto mi ju pripomína:
Something is about to give
I can feel it coming
I think I know what it is
I"m not afraid to die
I"m not afraid to live
And when I"m flat on my back
I hope to feel like I did
Cause hardness, it sets in
You need some protection
The thinner the skin
I want you to know
That you don"t need me anymore
I want you to know
You don"t need anyone, anything at all
Who"s to say where the wind will take you
Who"s to know what it is will break you
I don"t know which way the wind will blow
Who"s to know when the time has come around
Don"t wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
In summer I can taste the salt in the sea
There"s a kite blowing out of control on a breeze
I wonder what"s gonna happen to you
You wonder what has happened to me
I"m a man, I"m not a child
A man who sees
The shadow behind your eyes
Who"s to say where the wind will take you
Who"s to know what it is will break you
I don"t know where the wind will blow
Who"s to know when the time has come around
I don"t wanna see you cry
I know that this is not goodbye
Did I waste it?
Not so much I couldn"t taste it
Life should be fragrant
Roof top to the basement
The last of the rock stars
When hip hop drove the big cars
In the time when new media
Was the big idea
That was the big idea
Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Tequila: kupili by ste si taketo umenie za 230 €?
- 2 Etelnair: Mitana bol prvykrat prelozeny do anglictiny
- 3 Oxidbromu: Milujete Fica?
- 4 Hovado: Badum-tsss! Som v práci namiesto kolegu, ktorý zlámal obe nohy. ...
- 5 Majky538: No myslel som, ze pre psa budu tieto sviatky kludnejsie ako sa obmedzil...
- 6 Teal:
- 7 Obsessionn: Do zajtra vecera mám mat ready cca 500 zákuskov a tri torty. Poviem...
- 8 Lejla32: Vkuse musi robit daco na aute, uz ma to nebavi :/ ked...
- 1 3kratadost: Vzdavam sa. Nakupil som nasim noze, nakupil som im brusne kamene, naucil...
- 2 Lejla32: Existuje nejaka kucharska kniha alebo videa pre totalnych amaterov?? Lebo mam pocit, ze...
- 3 Azizi: Existujú plastové (alebo ľahké kovové) fľašky na vodu, do ktorých môžem vsunúť ruku...
- 4 Abstraktdepres: Zabudol som vám napísať že dneškom sa už predlžujú dni
- 5 Lejla32: Včera sme boli pre zmenu na vianočných trhoch v Trnave a bolo to tiež...
- 6 Tequila: kupili by ste si taketo umenie za 230 €?
- 7 Etelnair: Mitana bol prvykrat prelozeny do anglictiny
- 8 Oxidbromu: Milujete Fica?
- 9 Hovado: Badum-tsss! Som v práci namiesto kolegu, ktorý zlámal obe nohy. ...
- 10 Majky538: No myslel som, ze pre psa budu tieto sviatky kludnejsie ako sa obmedzil...
- 1 Samsebou30: Chlapi, keď ste boli spolu už s frajerkou, nebáli ste sa, ...
- 2 3kratadost: Dneska som na ceste stretol fakt, ze pozoduhodne mnozstvo jednobunkovcov. Uz som mal...
- 3 3kratadost: Vzdavam sa. Nakupil som nasim noze, nakupil som im brusne kamene, naucil...
- 4 Kviatek: Včera som tu od priekalu zachytil slovo "zašantročiť", ktoré som mimochodom vôbec nepoznal,...
- 5 Teal: A čo najkrajšie mestá na Slovensku, prosím?
- 6 Lejla32: Existuje nejaka kucharska kniha alebo videa pre totalnych amaterov?? Lebo mam pocit, ze...
- 7 Oxidbromu: Ste tu viac pro Palestine alebo pro Israel?
- 8 Oxidbromu: Najväčšia diera na Slovensku? (okrem Prievidze)
- 9 Azizi: Dnes som bola u kaderníčky, zase mám výrazne hnedočervené dlhé vlasy s postupným...
- 10 Azizi: Tvrdili ste niektorí, že Bitcoin je nezmysel. No tak môj otec si za...
I am here with you
Even when you"re scared
I"ll never leave you
Standing in a storm
Making it insane
Once again, I would try
To enchain you
But you open your eyes to the sky
and whisper
That you are so lonely
You are so alone
You"re so alone
You"re so lonely, so lonely
So I"m colouring my face
While I am here with you
Imagining the landscapes of your sorrow
Is it yellow or blue?
Colouring the sky and the trees
and the clouds and the moonlight
I"d coloured your heart
If you didn"t
I did
Now you are so lonely
You are so alone
You"re so alone
You"re so lonely, so lonely
You are so alone
You"re so
You"re so lonely, so lonely
And I wish you could just find home
Mmm mmm