8-ročné dievča
najnedávnejšie lognutie
6. 4.apríla 2024 06:32
4359 dní na BIRDZi
regnutá od 20. decembra 2012
. vitajte, bolesť a samota, najvernejšie z verných .
6 komentov
21. 10.októbra 2016 20:05
@foxylady @Silentcry
žiadny smútok
teším sa, že aspoň niekto ostal. a verne ostáva. to si cením!
Because of having slept so much
with my loneliness
I almost made it my friend
a sweet custom
She doesn't deviates from my side
Faithful like a shadow
She followed me here and there
at the four corners of the world
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
When she's in the middle of my bed
She takes all the place
And we spend long nights together
Both of us, face to face
I really don't know how far
this accomplice will go
Will i have to take a fancy on it
Or will I have to react?
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
Because of her, I learned as much
as I cried tears
If sometimes I deny her
She never desarms me
And If I would prefer love
from another courtisane
She will be on my last day,
My last companion
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
žiadny smútok
teším sa, že aspoň niekto ostal. a verne ostáva. to si cením!
Because of having slept so much
with my loneliness
I almost made it my friend
a sweet custom
She doesn't deviates from my side
Faithful like a shadow
She followed me here and there
at the four corners of the world
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
When she's in the middle of my bed
She takes all the place
And we spend long nights together
Both of us, face to face
I really don't know how far
this accomplice will go
Will i have to take a fancy on it
Or will I have to react?
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
Because of her, I learned as much
as I cried tears
If sometimes I deny her
She never desarms me
And If I would prefer love
from another courtisane
She will be on my last day,
My last companion
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
No I'm never alone
with my loneliness
Because of having slept so much
with my loneliness
I almost made it my friend
a sweet custom
with my loneliness
I almost made it my friend
a sweet custom
Napíš svoj komentár
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