Takže toto je ďalšie dielko zo školských lavíc, pre zmenu na hodine writingu sme nepísali eseje ale sonety. No a keď dáte dokopy moju maličkosť so spolužiačkou Mary...tak to dopadne presne takt

I woke up and found out I don´t have time
So I laid down to feel pain in my head
Then I realised I´ve commited crime
And saw corpse lying with me on bed
So I decided to be a soldier
And then I kissed my pretty corpse on cheek
I cut her head to put in my folder
I made a jewellery from her shiny teeth
So beautiful that you cannot compare
With any other bitten in the apple
I was excited and wanted to share
Situation with my neighbour-cripple

As he saw it with shock he had to kneel
And than I knew I loved the way I feel

ciernaruzicka  2. 7. 2007 10:17
oh my god..thats perfect
tatianka  2. 7. 2007 10:59
to je morbidne
calwen  2. 7. 2007 11:07
mnoo hej...trooska morbidne
saddath  2. 7. 2007 11:45
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