There was a land
so queer and dark,
nor wolves and bears
would bravely bark,
if they approached
these woods so deep
that had no spark
among their weed.

One rainy night,
deep blue and grey,
time stroke midnight
and faded away.
A magic figure
in a hooded frock
appeared on the path
that crossed the woody fort.

This obscure being
marched and marched,
heading a danger
of such swarth,
spiders crawled away and apart.

The emerald cloak
flew around him,
covering his evil thoughts.
Every step that threaded on the ground
was heard by a raven
that stealthily floated
above the shallow sounds
that became forever lost.

He was not aware
of its privy presence
for the antiquity of his ear.
But he knew...
He knew his loneliness
was not true.
And it came to him
when the end was near.

But now, my dear friend,
let’s see what happened there:
The path he had walked down
had come to the end.

There, the murky forest,
as thick and dense the trees became,
concealed a narrow, grey – stone cave.
As a bolt of lightning
broke the sky in two,
it showed a snake engraving
above the hole of doom.

The silver – bearded old man
crooked his smile with need.
He knew what would be his exploit
and that he would not bleed.
In a fearful language
his whispering tongue
went through the rain
(and there, it would remain):

„Give me your wisdom,
your power to kill, to thrill
with craze, so I may seize them,
so I may begin,
for I am Salazar of Slytherin.“

His eyes wide shut,
his arms rose in the air,
a thunder could be heard.
And the raven, in despair,
screeched so loudly,
out of scare,
and fell beneath the tree roots, where
it caught the wizard’s glare.

In shock, the wizard
stopped his spell,
reached down for the raven,
with tears in eyes he began to dwell:
„Rowena, you poor old girl,
why such mistrust of my person?
Godric had a plan of fools?
Or you knew the answer?“

The raven, when dying in his hands,
turned in an old witch
and said with a last life glance:
„It was I who followed you,
alone and with no help.
But I will carry through
the darkness of your mind and self.“

Standing up he turned to the rock;
and took the shining egg,
wich appeared in grass
just when she was dead.
He buried her as nightfall vanished
and with the secret in his arms
he took away all known evil
from these woods of dark.

He appeared unseen, unheard
nearby a splendid giant lake and castle,
which was known as Hogwarts fort.
Noone knows how he made it happen,
but covert, he got in
and in a darkling bower
he left the heritage of Slytherin.

Now my friend
you should be warned,
for one day this hall
the heir would open.
And the ill hidden among its walls
would be loosen
and purge the school
of those deserving death and end.

inkheart  20. 3. 2008 15:14
Tvoja tvorba?
pawlo  20. 3. 2008 17:31
Tuším som to už niekde čítal - ale je to možné že sa mi to iba zdá. Fanfictionov som už prečítal dosť - ale tento patrí medzi tie lepšie.
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