Dear blog.
I was called weird today and also looked upon weirdly as I sat there saying (confessing) that I don't like swimming or going out at all during summer.
Yeah because consciously staying out on the sun while there is like 35-40°C outside over the comfort of a room which temperture doesn't reach more than 20°C is not weird or stupid at all. Even more so if you don't want to turn bright red colour because you just have the best of skin. Oh yeah there is also the water factor that is supposed to cool you down. Because once again I would absolutely need it after spending time in already cold room. But let's just say this factor has some relevance. You can either choose public pool full of little pissy (literally and figuratively) kids/adolescents/adults/seniors (because we all know that pool urination doesn't only involve kids) or you can always choose the good ol' lakes which are also full of filth, garbage, even more pissy loud shits(kids), rocks, and if you grow tired of swimming (as one eventualy does) you can always enjoy the comfort of a blanket that always covers the sharpest rocks and is always covered with all kinds of bugs no matter where you put it down.I don't know about you but that is all I needed to be CONVINCED!
Onto the second part of the first statement. I'm not at all surprised that a person who almost didn't finish high school (and also did the last year twice) doesn't understand the introversion/extroversion concept.
There are people that don't need a lot of social stimulation? WHAT! NO WAY!
You can enjoy yourself at home by reading a book, watching a movie? You don't have to be out drinking with friends, at a party, dancing in a club in order to have fun? WHAT! NO WAY!
After all this I decided to answer "Nothing." to a question "What do you enjoy doing, anyway?". Because I was fed up with this conversation. I wanted to get away as far as possible so I don't catch this.. let's call it cancer. Because answering "reading books, watching series, the internet in general" would probably prolong my interrogation. She also made me ashamed of what I love. Because I know that if I said the truth I would be judged yet again. Because I know exactly what kind of person she is.
But why was I ashamed? I can have fun by reading books, by going on (imaginary) adventures just by imagining myself riding dragons, traveling around the universe or saving Middle-earth. That is a fucking awesome power to have! I don't need any "supplements" to have fun. I can watch comedy shows and since I am funny without being drunk I actually understand all the jokes thus don't need to sit in a pub with people that are moderately or not at all funny and listen to their bullshit. I don't have to go to a pub drink that cheap gross vodka to make me feel funny and happy for an hour before I feel like shit for the rest of the day and the one to come. Not saying I don't drink. I do drink beer and recently I found cider. For the taste. And for that laid-back feeling. But I really don't find anything appealing in getting shitfaced screaming how drunk I am at everyone I see.
And ashamed of the internet? Why! Internet is one magical gathering of people that otherwise don't fit. It is educational, taught me english and made me funnier. Same goes for TV series. Heck, e.g. South Park saved me from "depression". "Depression" that I had from people like you, lady. Because when I found myself having no faith in humanity, South Park came and made me feel like I'm not the only one who lost faith, like there are actually people who are aware of how fucked up we as humanity are. And made fun of them. Made me laugh instead of angry and sad.
So yeah. Love doing all these things and if you think that is weird, lady, then you can bend over and shove your head up you arse. I on the other hand understand and respect that you want to go out with friends. Because you need it. You need contact. I don't. At least not as much as you. Because my favoutire person to spend time with is myself.
Some of the other things that allegedly make me weird:
- I don't know how much I weigh. I don't weigh myself.
- I eat everything, and yes also bread-gluten and sugar. (I must be dying guys. Guess I won't see the day I turn 80. Because everybody knows that life after 60 is just amazing. All that pain, illnesses and medicine. Can't wait.)
- I want to study physics which is weird (says person who hardly has any education and hardly can find a job. Having fun wiping old people's asses?)
- I study math during summer. (mostly for fun but also because I want to pass maturita test and not just pass it but get the percentage I need to go forward to a better school. I know it means nothing to you because you didn't go anywhere.)
- I don't care how I look and have no boyfriend/ don't want to marry. (I should kill myself. There is nothing other to life than marriage and inevitable shits(kids) and divorce)
This is what I learned today. I am weird. Is it bad? No. Is it? Should I kill myself? Because if somebody thinks that I should then I would totally do it. Because what is more important than other's opinion?
Vent/rant completed. I feel better.
Thank you.
- Weirdo
Komenty k blogu
6. 7.júla 2015 17:17

(Ja z budúcnosti a hanbím sa za vlastnú angličtinu.)

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