(Zarážajúci príbeh Červenej Čiapočky, ktorá sa vzbúrila rodinnej tradícii. Divadelná hra v angline pre všetkých tých, ktorí nemajú radi stereotypy.)

TIME: 2012, It is a beautiful Indian summer (September), 18:30
PLACE: The kitchen of the small house hidden in the vast forest where Little Red Ricing Hood (LRRH) lives with her mother.
ATRISE: Mother of Red Hood standing at the table packing a backpack for her daughter. Red Hood sitting at the table dangling her legs supports her head with hands. She looks annoyed.

And here you have a GPS navigational system and a map of the whole forest in a case you are lost. (puts things into the backpack)

Do I have to go? You know mum I don’t want to.

Of course you have to. It is normal. Every time a grandmother is ill a granddaughter is expected to go to visit her and bring her some cakes and this is true in our family especially. Don’t forget you were born to the Red Hood family.

I wish I wasn´t. I am scared of the day when grandmother will fall ill ever since I read our family chronicle. (said boringly)

Red Hood you should be proud of yourself. Every small child knows your story. What Snow White would give to be as famous as you are. Your destiny was obvious since you were that small baby in my uterus. Do you know what to do if the battery in GPS system is flat?

I’ll use a map. And if I lose my map I´ll climb up a tree and look at where to go from above.

But this is the last possibility. You can´t fall from the tree, because in the forest a wolf will be waiting for you… (enthusiastically) you´ll show him where you are going and then…

And then he will eat me in grandmother´s house. I know, I know.

Aren´t you happy? This is so exciting. There is really nothing to be scared off. Who of your friends could say “I was eaten by a wolf”. Later Mr. Hunter will come and rescue you and your grandmother. This is our fate. I was eaten by a wolf once and I will again when I am old. Your grandmother was sent to her grandmother, I was and you will be as well. So don’t look so shocked. (she smiles and packs a box of cakes into the backpack)

I don’t think it is interesting and exciting since we have all that technology. It is neither an adventure nor challenge to go to the dark forest equipped like a girl guide. I want to be like a Bear Grylls. (bravely) I want to go to visit grandmother just with a knife and I´ll survive without being eaten.

Hush, Red Hood. Stop talking nonsense. I know it is your birthday today. I would like to fulfill your wish, but I can´t. Here is your backpack. You have everything necessary in it. You know how to get to grandmother´s house, you know what to do. Here is a gift for you my little sun. Happy birthday!

(Taking a small box, pretending to be surprised) Oo, what that might be? Hmm. Ooo, a red hood, who would have expected that? (a little bit surprised) Oo, there are signatures from the national hockey eam. Mum thank you, I appreciate you made an attempt to be original. (hugs her mother)

Try it. (LRRH tries her hood) Ohhh, It suits you so much. But now it´s time to leave my dear.

(interested? SEE RHAT (Part 2)

demola  12. 5. 2011 18:36
Vlastne ďalšie časti dám, až uvidím, že to niekto vôbec čítal. Tak ak zájem, zaklopte mi na dvere.
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