What about sunrise = Ale čo slnečné lúče
What about rain = Ale čo dážď
What about all the things = Čo takto všetky veci
That you said = Ktoré si povedala
we were to gain... = že sme získali

What about killing fields = Ale čo zabité polia
Is there a time = Je tu čas
What about all the things = Čo takto všetky veci
That you said = Ktoré si povedala
was yours and mine... = že boli moje a tvoje

Did you ever stop to notice = Prestala si si niekedy všímať
All the blood we"ve shed before = Všetku krv ktorú sme predtým preliali
Did you ever stop to notice = Prestala si si niekedy všímať
The crying Earth = Plačúcu Zem
the weeping shores? = uplakané pobrežia?

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

What have we done to the world = Čo sme spravili svetu
Look what we"ve done = Pozri čo sme spravili
What about all the peace = Čo takto všetok mier
That you pledge = Ktorý si sľúbila
your only son... = svojmu jedinému synovi

What about flowering fields = Čo takto kvitnúce polia
Is there a time = Je tu čas
What about all the dreams = Ale čo všetky sny
That you said = Ktoré si povedala
was yours and mine... = že boli moje a tvoje

Did you ever stop to notice = Prestala si si niekedy všímať
All the children dead from war = Všetky deti ktoré zomreli vo vojne
Did you ever stop to notice = Prestala si si niekedy všímať
The crying Earth = Plačúcu Zem
the weeping shores = uplakané pobrežia

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

I used to dream = Zvykol som snívať
I used to glance beyond the stars = Zvykol som pozerať na hviezdy
Now I don"t know where we are = Teraz neviem kde sme
Although I know we"ve drifted far = Aj keď viem že sa ženieme ďalej

Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

Hey, what about yesterday = Hey, ale čo včerajšok
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the seas = Ale čo moria
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
The heavens are falling down = Nebesia padajú dole
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
I can"t even breathe = Nemôžem ani dýchať
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the bleeding Earth = Čo krvácajúca Zem
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
Can"t we feel its wounds = Môžeme cítiť jej rany
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about nature"s worth = Čo cena prírody
(ooo, ooo) = (ooo, ooo)

It"s our planet"s womb = Je to maternica planéty
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about animals = Čo zvieratá
(What about it) = (Ale čo to)
We"ve turned kingdoms to dust = Premenili sme kráľovstvá na prach
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about elephants = Čo slony
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
Have we lost their trust = Stratili sme ich dôveru
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about crying whales = Čo plačúce veľryby
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
We"re ravaging the seas = Vyplienili sme moria
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about forest trails = Čo lesné cesty
(ooo, ooo)

Burnt despite our pleas = Spálené navzdory ich prosbám
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the holy land = Čo svätá zem
(What about it) = (Ale čo to)
Torn apart by creed = Rozpoltená na kúsky vierou
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the common man = Ale čo prostý človek
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
Can"t we set him free = Môžeme ho oslobodiť
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about children dying = Čo umierajúce deti
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
Can"t you hear them cry = Môžeš ich počuť plakať
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
Where did we go wrong = Kde sme sa zmýlili
(ooo, ooo)

Someone tell me why = Niekto mi povedal prečo
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about babies = Ale čo batoľatá
(What about it) = (Ale čo to)
What about the days Ale čo dni
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about all their joy = Čo všetka ich radosť
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the man = Čo človek
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about the crying man = Čo plačúci človek
(What about us) = (Ale čo my)
What about Abraham = Čo Abrahám
(What was us) = (Ale čo my)
What about death again = Čo ďašia smrť
(ooo, ooo)

Do we give a damn = Je nam to ukradnuté
Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah

anik359  10. 6. 2010 17:51

milujem tu piesen

aj koli tomu ze ju spieval Michael ale aj koli textu
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