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13. 3.marca 2017 23:13
Why should anyone give a fuck about anyone else's anxiety?
@eriz_ Well... don't be. Should they tell someone to BE anxious or provide qualified therapeutic services to them? Why would anyone actually bring up anxiety in a conversation and expect any different answer than "don't be anxious"?
@goodgoy What if they just seem anxious and actually don't want any help? There are many fuckin' ways how to help a person and don't sound like a total dick. You miss the point
@eriz_ No I don't. You miss my point: Don't be so fucking sensitive.
We've all got shit to deal with. People try to be kind. Don't turn it against them.
The world isn't built around any particular individual.
We've all got shit to deal with. People try to be kind. Don't turn it against them.
The world isn't built around any particular individual.
úzkosť je len stav sposobený inými ľudmi liečiť tabletkami ju určite netreba..
@emptysoul nemusi byt nutne sposobena inymi ludmi.. A je jasne, ze tabletky v takych pripadoch su zvacsa somarina
@emptysoul ja aj zo samoty.. A teraz nemyslim tu taku chorobnu uzkost, kazdy sa tak obcas citi, slo len o tie zvycajne reakcie ludi
@eriz_ áno aj zo samoty môže byť ale to je často aj strach ja som mal tento typ úzkosti keď som bol pred skúškou sam na intraku a nevedel som ako skončím a pochyboval som ze ma zmysel to čo robím, ze by som mal vypadnúť vonku a žiť život naučiť sa teóriu.. dnes už mám úzkosti veľmi málo v živote.. co sa asi o depresivnych stavoch zasa nedá povedať
@emptysoul moze byt.. Kazdy mame nieco svoje s cim sa musime vysporiadat preto treba byt obklopeny tymi spravnymi ludmi, potom je zivot fajn
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