Sparkling memories....spell of that night floating in the air...filling my thoughts up with irresistable desire to change what is not allowed to be changed anymore....overwhelming past.....
Standing in the dark..all alone in the giant world...childish plays,teasing,dancing.embracing...what else could I ask reason to breathe, to live, to open my eyes every sunny morning...standing face to word disturbing the moment....bright eyes, slinky grin.... can I do it? just one or two steps to try a thing I've dreamt about... seconds pass in silence, stars keep shining above my coward hesitancy not interrupted by my not so innocence intension...I responce from the eternal depth of your eyes....but I can't lose more than I can to reach for it, try to reach for the stars....and CRACK! ...damn sound coming from nowhere...nowhere behind me...the light...the light from the lamp showed me the right way... not to have something that's not mine...that won't be mine, is not allowed to be mine....not to crack the glass around and me...not to lose everything I have....everything you give me....not to destroy all of this...not to kiss you....

wind  18. 12. 2012 13:05
Tajne som dufala, ze po anglicky bude len nadpis. Slovencinou sa toho da opisat a vyjadrit ovela viac. Nemozem si pomoct, anglictina mi trosku soulless. Ale v malom mnozstve je fajn. (neber to ofenzivne, len moj nazor)
wind  18. 12. 2012 13:06
*mi pride trosku
fallangel  18. 12. 2012 15:25
v pohode, ja to beriem rozmýšľala som,ako to napísať,ale akosi u mňa vyhrala... každý podľa vlastného gusta
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