In one midnight city, filthy and grey,
Full of mist and infinite acidic rain,
A monster started hunt for its daily prey,
On the last stop of the last train...

It prowls silently through the empty streets,
Creepy death, crowling, cowering from light,
Waiting for its chance, the poor one that meets
It in the dark...without mercy, striking on sight.

No one cares for the missing, for the damned dead.
Blood runs in rivers, messing with waste and trash,
Sacrifice has been given, survivors should be glad...
That Justice blind is, proves the hard earned cash.

As winter comes, the count of bodies grows,
No difference if it used claws or razor, knife or chipper,
And a historic document to this day shows,
That they never found it and it was called: Jack the Ripper.

Copyright© Finwaell, 2008-2010

galinka  14. 12. 2008 22:53
Trošku mi bolo ľúto že to nie je ďalší príbeh, ale sklamaná som nebola keď som dočítala
johnysheek  15. 12. 2008 00:37
@1 on moze sklamat len jednym sposobom..

ze prestane pisat a uverejnovat...
lovinme  20. 12. 2008 18:22
sa ti daco zle snivalo ? lebo po docitani mam kus strach kuknut sa kto je za mnou ale inac brutaaaaaaaaalne to bolo vazne

vsak ty nevies napisat zlu vec
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