"Nothing... just that...
Feathers like first winter snow,
Are falling slowly to the Earth,
And to the Devil God has to bow,
when sins are celebrating birth.
Long is the fall of a dying angel,
No light left, no place for sanity,
Rotting like king Uther at Tintagel,
Instead of love there"s just vanity.
So we stare to the stars, epmty void,
Thinking our future may have sense,
While down here laughs doctor Freud,
At the nightmare that became too dense.
There are things that would make you cry,
And dreams sometimes become sad reality,
But one day even our tears will run dry,
Seeing there is no hope left for humanity.
Without hope, they are useless,
Like without angels Heaven is,
So join the choir of the nameless
souls which no living one ever sees.
One"s life is like a brick in Chinese Wall,
Melted in the mass of billions, yet unique,
And the price to pay for it was never small,
With lots of battles left to reach the peak.
So much to say about this world of fear,
And if angels will return, no one can tell.
I just know that You are one of them my dear,
And that we are all going to end in Hell...
Copyright© Finwaell, 2008-2010
11 komentov k blogu
24. 11.novembra 2008 16:47
to s tym cinskym murom sa mi moc paci a vobec,vsetky sa mi pacia,obcas napis nejaku zlu a nie od srda,nech nemas komenty na jedno kopyto
Ako vidíš táto je taká dobrá že už nekomentuje nikto alebo zlá?
si trapny jak take mozes pisat .. som to citala jednym hltom .. tusim aj bez dychu
perfektne to je
si trapny jak take mozes pisat .. som to citala jednym hltom .. tusim aj bez dychu
perfektne to je
Vyborna basnicka je t Tusim si precitam aj tvoje ostatne, pretoze ak su tak dobre, ak nie lepsie, ako tato, tak urcite stoja zat Nice
Masterpiece ...s uplnou atmosférou, hlbkou, perfektnymi rymami...a podarenym zaverom ...klobuk dolu
pozeram ze tebe stale pribudaju komenty len odo mna a tych co ta citaju prvykrat
a mas pravdu tuto som si veru nevsimol a uz viem i preco
a taktiez ako ostatne.. je
a mas pravdu tuto som si veru nevsimol a uz viem i preco
a taktiez ako ostatne.. je
ach jo... ved vies, ako zboznujem tvoj styl pisania... je to jednoducho mnam... a mnam znamena u mna vela
a este si k tomu pustit The Rave a vazne to su things that would make you cry
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- 10 Soruniel: Sem som napísal nadpis blogu.