Is it the beginning, or the end?
Is the shadow gone? Is the Light cast?
Where do we sail? Where does the wind us send?
Ones life is not the dearest thing to lose.
And there are wounds, that would never heal.
If to save your soul, you must choose,
And find the courage to break the final seal.
The seal which bars the gate of a new age,
To break from the shackles, from the cage,
And stand free, side by side, without sign of fear,
To protect your beloved, to fight for what is dear.
Laments have been sung, laments for the dead,
Now sing the songs of joy, for new hope is born,
Let go of those that have fallen, lay down your head,
Rest and do so knowing, that the Night is torn!
One era ends.. another one begins, the dawn of men,
So cry the tears of parting, when the Sea is nigh!
For the Firstborn, for those who could and can
Leave when the time was right, when the Sun is high!
So we have come this far and our tale ends,
And now go to sleep, and dream of the days ahead,
When you yourself will stand in the Gray Havens,
When your destiny will be fulfilled and earthly route end!
Great deeds were done, Time of the Brave,
The Ring is gone.. Darkness fills its own grave!
Finished is the the task, now do we part,
Where one story ends, another one will start...
Copyright© Finwaell, 2008
10 komentov k blogu
9. 7.júla 2008 01:03
Krásne A ten názov to vystihuje
Jej... tak predsalen si to sem dal
Ked som si to teraz znova precitala, znelo mi to lepsie v usiach... asi predsalen nie je moc "heathy" citat basne neskoro v noci, "it's bad for ya!" (
It's wonderful Gusti, even Tolkien himself wouldn't write it better! (Although, I guess he wouldn't even write a Tribute to his own work, would he?
Ked som si to teraz znova precitala, znelo mi to lepsie v usiach... asi predsalen nie je moc "heathy" citat basne neskoro v noci, "it's bad for ya!" (
It's wonderful Gusti, even Tolkien himself wouldn't write it better! (Although, I guess he wouldn't even write a Tribute to his own work, would he?
Galinka: To je predsa úloha názvu nie?
Yolis: Hm.. a čo s tým má spoločné Elton John? Ale ďakujem
Kuka: Aj ja si myslím že by si mala chodiť spať skôr
A no.. určite by napísal niečo lepšie O tom ani v najmenšom nepochybujem
Yolis: Hm.. a čo s tým má spoločné Elton John? Ale ďakujem
Kuka: Aj ja si myslím že by si mala chodiť spať skôr
A no.. určite by napísal niečo lepšie O tom ani v najmenšom nepochybujem
myslim ze uz som minula vsetky slova chvaly ktore existuju aby som to povedala ako krasne pises..
Where one story ends, another one will start...
wuaaa to bolo super,uplne mam zasa chut pozriet si ten film
alebo .. pardon pardon .. precitat tu knihu
wuaaa to bolo super,uplne mam zasa chut pozriet si ten film
alebo .. pardon pardon .. precitat tu knihu
opäť ti raz "kontrolujem" blog a znova nevychádzam z údivu, aké kvalitné veci píšeš
človek je pri tebe zahanbený ;o)
človek je pri tebe zahanbený ;o)
...ty musis zrat tolkiena...alebo sa ti Lord Of The Rings zapacil az tak velmi ??... ci dokonca si ho pochopil lepsie ako my ostatný??.. musim uznat ze ti idu aj anglické texty...
fakt je to na vysokej urovni a aj viacere tovje basne
Vzdavam Hold...
fakt je to na vysokej urovni a aj viacere tovje basne
Vzdavam Hold...
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