One upon the time in China there was a boy named Ping who loved flowers. Anything he planted burst into bloom. Up came flowers, bushes and even big fruit trees, asi f by magic! Everyone in the kingdom loved flowers too. They planted them everywhere, and the air smelled like parfume. The Emperor loved birds and animals, but flowers most of all, and he tended his own garden every day. But the Emperor was very old. He needed to choose a successor to the throne. Who would his successor be? And how would the Emperor choose? Because the Emperor loved flowers so much, he dediced to let the flowers choose. The next day a proclamation was issued: All children in the land were to come the palace. There they would be given special flower seeds by the Emperor. "Whoever can show me their best in a year´s time," he said"will succeed me to the throne." This news created great excitement throughout the land! Children from all over the country swarmed to the palace to get their flower seeds. All the parents wanted their children to be chosen Emperor, and all the children hoped they would be chosen too! When Ping received his seed from the Emperor, he was the happiest child of all. He was sure he could grow the most beautiful flower. Ping filled a flowerpot with rich soil. He planted the seed in it very, carefully. He watered it every day. He couldn´t wait to see it sprout, grow, and blossom into a beautiful flower! Day after day passed, but nothing grew in his pot. Ping was very worried. He put new soil into a bigger pot. The he transferred the seed into the rich black soil. Another two monts he waited. Still nothing happened. By and by the whole year passed. Spring came, and all the children put on their best clothes to greet the Emperor. They rushed to the palace with their beautiful flowers, eagerly hoping to be chosen. Ping was ashamed of his empty pot. He thought the other children would laugh at him because for once he couldn´t get a flower to grow. His clever friend ran by, holding a great big plant. "Ping!" he said. "You are not really going to the Emperor with an empty pot, are you? Couldn´t you grow a great big flower like mine?“ „I´ve grown lots of flowers better than yours ,“ Ping said. „It´s just this seed that won´t grow.“ Ping´s father overheard this and said, „You did your best, and your best is good enough to present to the Emperor.“ Holding the empty pot in his hands, Ping went straight away to the palace. The Emperor was looking at the flowers slowly, one by one. How beautiful all the flowers were! But the Emperor was frowning and did not say a word. Finally he came to Ping. Ping hung his head in shame, expecting to be punished. The Emperor asked him,“Why did you bring an empty pot?“ Ping started to cry and replied, „I planted the seed you gave me and I watered it every day, but it didn´t sprout. I put it in a better pot with better soil, but still it didn´t sprout!I tended it all year long, but nothing grew. So today I had to bring an empty pot without a flower. It was the best I could do.“ When the Emperor heard these words, a smile slowly spread over his face, and he put his arm around Ping. Then he exclaimed to one and all, „I have found him! I have found the one person worthy of being Emperor!Where you got your seeds from, I do not know. For the seeds I gave you had all been cooked. So it was impossible for any of them to grow. „I admire Ping´s great courage to appear before me with the empty truth, and now I reward him with my entire kungdom and make him Emperor of all the land!“
Kedysi dávno v Číne žil chlapec menom Ping, ktorý miloval kvety. Čokoľvek, čo zasadil rozkvitlo. Kvety, kríky a dokonca aj veľké ovocné stromy prišli ako mávnutím prútika. Každý v kráľovstve tiež miloval kvety. Vysadili ich všade a vzduch voňal po parfúme. Cisár miloval vtáky a zvieratá, ale zo všetkého najviac sa každý deň venoval svojej záhrade. Ale cisár bol veľmi starý. Potreboval vybrať svojho následníka na tróne. Kto by mal byť jeho nástupca? A ako sa vyberá cisár? Pretože cisár miloval kvety natoľko, že sa rozhodol nechať kvety vybrať. Nasledujúci deň bolo vydané vyhlásenie: Všetky deti v krajine nech prídu do paláca. Tam by mali dostať špeciálne semená kvetín od cisára. „Kto mi za rok ukáže najlepšie kvetiny,“ povedal „bude následník na tróne.“ Táto správa vytvorila vzrušenie po celej krajine! Deti z celej krajiny sa hrnuli do paláca pre svoje semená kvetín. Všetci rodičia chceli, aby ich deti boli vybrané za cisára a všetky deti tiež dúfali, že budú vybrané! Keď Ping prijal semeno od cisára bol najšťastnejšie dieťa zo všetkých. Bol si istý, že by z toho mohla vyrásť najkrajšia kvetina. Ping zobral kvetináč naplnený bohatou pôdou. Semeno v nej zasadil veľmi starostlivo. Polieval ju každý deň. Nemohol sa dočkať až vyklíči a vyrastie v krásnu kvetinu. Deň čo deň prešiel, ale v jeho kvetináči nič nerástlo. Ping bol veľmi znepokojený. Dal to do novej pôdy a väčšieho kvetináča. Preniesol semeno do bohatej čiernej pôdy. Čakal dva mesiace. Stále sa nič nedialo. Postupom času prešiel celý rok. Prišla jar a všetky deti si obliekli svoje najlepšie oblečenie na pozdravenie cisára. Vrhli sa do paláca so svojimi krásnymi kvetmi a dychtivo dúfali, že budú vybraní. Ping sa hanbí za svoj prázdny kvetináč. Myslel si že ostatné deti sa mu budú vysmievať lebo naraz nemohol nechať kvetinu vyrásť. Jeho šikovný priateľ bežal držiac veľkú rastlinu. „Ping!“ povedal. „Ty nejdeš naozaj k cisárovi s prázdnym kvetináčom,čo? Nenarástol ti veľký kvet ako mne?“ „Mne narástlo veľa kvetín lepších ako tvoje,“ povedal Ping. „To práve toto semeno nebude rásť.“ Pingov otec to začul a povedal, „Ty si najlepší a najlepší je dosť dobrý dar pre cisára.“Chytil prázdny hrniec do ruky, Ping išiel hneď do paláca. Cisár si prezeral kvety pomaly, jeden po druhom. Ako krásne sú všetky kvety! Ale cisár sa mračil a nepovedal ani slovo. Až prišiel rad na Pinga. Zahanbený Ping zvesil hlavu, očakával byť potrestaný. Cisár sa ho opýtal: „Prečo si priniesol prázdny kvetináč?“ Ping začal plakať a odpovedal: Zasadil som semeno, ktoré ste mi dal polieval som ho každý deň, ale nič neklíčilo. Dal som ho do lepšieho hrnca s lepšou pôdou, ale stále nič nepučalo! Staral som sa o to celý rok, ale nerástlo. Tak som dnes musel dať prázdny hrniec bez kvetu. Bolo to najlepšie čo som mohol urobiť.“ Keď cisár počul tieto slová na tvári sa mu rozšíril úsmev a objal Pinga. Potom vykríkol, aby všetci do jedného počuli: „Našiel som ho! Zistil som, že jeden človek si zaslúži byť cisárom! Skade máte svoje semená to neviem. Všatky semená čo som vám dal boli varené. Bolo by nemožné že niektoré z nich rastie. Obdivujem Pingovu veľkú odvahu ako predo mňa predstúpil s prázdnym pravdou a teraz ho odmením celým kráľovstvom a spravím z neho cisára pre celú krajinu!“
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