Nebudeš tomu rozumieť:( ani sa to nesnaž pochopiť:(
Oh my god, what I am doing? What I want? Why I am so stupid, and naive girl? Why it became? Why I don't be happy? Why I'm doing it? I have prick of conscience. For conscience sake I want forget. I must forget to all wrongs. Why I?
No, I haven't got depku, and I don't speak, what is it with me, because it's terrible! No it isn't terrible, it's impossible, it's apocalyptis! I want only make a clean breast !!
Som rada, že nevieš čo je vo veci, a som rada, že možno tomu prekladu ani nerozumieš. Viem je tam dosť chýb, ale to je schválne, aby si nevedel, čo je vo veci, potrebujem to len niekde napísať: disappointed:
hmmm divne nom chyby tam su sice sem v angline len "zaciatocnik" tak to chapem akoze ale moc mi to nedava vyznam jak celek fakt ) ja bych sem aj napisal preklad ale aj tak by temu asi nikdo nechapal jednotlive vety by aj davali vyyznam ale ako celok ... hmm a ta posledna veta mozno vim co znamena ale nwm jak to myslis ..fakt sifrovane Didusko )
Oh my god, what am I doing? What do I want (What did I want/What have I expected)? Why am I so stupid and naiive (tuším je to s dvoma i)? Why did it happen? Why can't I be happy (Why am I not happy)? (Aj tak škaredo formulované, ale lepšia ma nenapadne)
I've got remorses (alebo keď veľmi chceš tak "wringing of conscience"). For conscience's sage I want to forget (nedochádza mi význam, tak som len opravil). I must forget all wrongs.
Why me?
No, I'm not depressed, and I won't tell you what happened, because it's terrible. No, it isn't terrible, it's impossible, it's apocalyptic (keď už)! I just want to ...netuším. Ak to bola metafora tak "lift the stone from my heart?".
Hey, girl - what happened? It sounds like you were dying from the thing you did. Like it was something so cruel... Have you killed somebody?
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
inak, normálne mi nálada klesla o 2 stupne, keď som si to prečítala