You all are thinking , what does a boy from Holland do on a Slovakian Website.
This is my litlle story how i fell in love with a beautiful SLovakian girl , Jarmila !
A Few months ago i saw a new girl at my work and i fell in love.
After a few weeks i talk to her and every ''Prestavka'' i go to her and try to talk to her.
Every time i ask her if she want to out with me to cafe or just to Centrum of Rotterdam or Utrecht to eat ice cream but every time she say ; Maybe.
After a few weeks asking and trying she wright me a sms and say Yes !
After our first date , we were go out every day after work.
2 weeks later we live together at my house.
She say to me that she wanted to go back to Slovakia to see her Family and her son and i wanted to see Slovakia so 2 weeks later we where going Slovakia.
After a few stops in Germany and Poland we where finally in Slovakia.
I'll never forget the first time when i was there.
First we where going to Zahradne to see her son.
Jarmila's son is 1 years old and it is a beautiful boy !
Later that day we where going to Kosice because Jarmila's mother was a few days there on visit with family.
The next day we where going to Velky Krtis where Jarmila's mother live.
After 2 days we must go back to Holland because we have to work again but i will never forget Slovakia.
Slovakia is a beautiful country and i go back this year because i love this country !
For my Beautiful girl Jarmila i want to say : Lubim ta ! I love you very very much !
Huuby !
12 komentov k blogu
26. 8.augusta 2007 12:26

so cute story!
we would understand also the word " break " not just prestavka but really nice story ....good luck, you two
This text reminds me some kind of a school work but it has nothing to do with your story
Very nice! I am very proud to be slovak and you must be proud to have slovakian girl... Because Slovak girls are the best in the world
Kosice thats nera my little town I hate slovakia coz there are living dumb people
that´s nice you like Slovakia
most of Slovaks doesn´t like their own country, but let them be (schizofrenik, for example)... so thanks
if I had a boyfriend in Holand, be sure a I would love that country, too
no, not just in that case, i´m just kidding, Holand is an interesting land, too, which i would like to visit someday
most of Slovaks doesn´t like their own country, but let them be (schizofrenik, for example)... so thanks
if I had a boyfriend in Holand, be sure a I would love that country, too
no, not just in that case, i´m just kidding, Holand is an interesting land, too, which i would like to visit someday
Kolieskonavoze>>>> She is one big stupid kid!!! dont belive her she belive in stupid thinkd like god and jesuz!!!
daj nieco po holandsky, niekolkokrat som tam bola.. ale prosim ta ziadne tazke rozhovory!!!

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