37-ročný muž, zadaný
najnedávnejšie lognutie
11. 10.októbra 2023 17:11
4566 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 12. júla 2012
- 1 Tomas5555555: mejkap, riasenka, ruz, vonavky, skraslovacie kremy. Clovek ich k zivotu...
- 2 Lytaryta: "..sanca je asi taka absurdna akoze Fico by chcel ist na dovolenku na Zemplinsku...
- 3 Lejla32: Takže priatel mi povedal, ze najbližšia dovolenka bude až po lete :/ ach...
- 4 Lejla32: No a dokukali sme 2.seriu Squid Game.. a jedna vec ma tam vytacala...
- 5 Abstraktdepres: Sledujem videá z Los Angeles. Krásne domy, stovky alebo možno tisíce domov, ...
- 6 Nats: youtu.be/P4uIu5ALERI...
- 7 Robinson444: Mám teraz takú filozofiu že rob jak keby si nemal auto. Do práce chodím...
- 8 Skvrnka: youtu.be/9EcjWd-O4jI...
- 1 Tomas5555555: 60% vyrobkov sa zbytocne vyraba clovek ich k zivotu nepotrebuje. Napriklad taky fen, ...
- 2 Tomas5555555: mejkap, riasenka, ruz, vonavky, skraslovacie kremy. Clovek ich k zivotu...
- 3 Lytaryta: "..sanca je asi taka absurdna akoze Fico by chcel ist na dovolenku na Zemplinsku...
- 4 Lejla32: Takže priatel mi povedal, ze najbližšia dovolenka bude až po lete :/ ach...
- 5 Lejla32: No a dokukali sme 2.seriu Squid Game.. a jedna vec ma tam vytacala...
- 6 Barb: 2/4
- 7 Abstraktdepres: Sledujem videá z Los Angeles. Krásne domy, stovky alebo možno tisíce domov, ...
- 8 Obsessionn: Paráda, zaraz bude február :/
- 9 Nats: youtu.be/P4uIu5ALERI...
- 10 Robinson444: Mám teraz takú filozofiu že rob jak keby si nemal auto. Do práce chodím...
- 1 Samsebou30: Uvažujem… Možno mi tá mladá, pohľadná a zdvorilá agronómka naznačuje...
- 2 Lejla32: Wau tak ta Klára z Bachelora naozaj ukazala neskutočný charakter a emocnu vyspelosť aká...
- 3 Clarise: Povedzte mi ako zle musí byť na tom môj bývalý keď mi písal sám...
- 4 Teal: Vyhlásenia toho kokota Trumpa, že USA by mali anektovať Grónsko, Kanadu aj...
- 5 Tulipanoo: citim sa ako pedofil, prave som si dohodla rande s typkom, ktory...
- 6 Teal: Tešíte sa, ako vaše údaje z katastra nehnuteľností budú k dispozícii na dark...
- 7 458katka: chyba mi láska
- 8 Kviatek: Ľudia, ktorí vravia, že Poprad je krásne a čarovné mesto fetujú priveľa...
- 9 Oxidbromu: Stihli ste?
- 10 Lejla32: V lietadle sme kukali 2.diel squid game a som sa normalne rozplakala pre to...
Or I’m not listening,
Or I’m indifferent
Truly I ain’t got no business here
But since my friends are here,
I just came to kick it
But really I would rather be
At home all by myself
Not in this room
With people who don’t even
Care about my well being
I don’t dance
Don’t ask,
I don’t need a boyfriend
So you can,
Go back,
Please enjoy your party
I’ll be here,
Somewhere in the corner
Under clouds of Mariujana
With this boy who’s hard
And i can hardly hear
Over this music I don't listen to
and I don’t wanna get with you
So tell my friends
That i’ll be over here
Oh here, oh here,
Oh i asked myself ,
What am I doing here?
Oh here, oh here
And i can’t wait
‘til we can break up
Out of here
Excuse me if i seem a little unimpressed
With this an antisocial pessimist,
But usually i don’t mess with this
And i know you mean only the best and all
Intentions aren’t to bother me,
But honestly I’d rather be
Somewhere with my people,
We can kick it
And just listen to some music with a message,
Like we usually do
And we’ll discuss our big dreams,
How we plan,
To take over the planet
So pardon
My manners,
I hope you understand that i’ll be here
Not there in the kitchen
With the girl who’s always gossiping
About her friends
Oh tell them i’ll be here
Right next to the boy
Who’s throwin’up
Cause he can’t take what’s in his cup no more
Oh god why am i here?
Oh here, oh here,
Oh i asked myself ,
What am I doing here?
Oh here, oh here
And i can’t wait
‘til we can break up
Out of here
I was late and congregatin
Next to the refrigerator
Some girls talkin about a hater,
She ain’t got none
How did it ever come to this?
I should’ve never come to this
Oh holla at me,
I’ll be in the car when you’re done
I’m stand-offish,
Don’t want what you are offering
And i am done talking
Awfully said it had to be that way
So tell my people when they’re ready
That i’m ready
And i am standing by the tv
With my beanie low
Yo i’ll be over here
Oh here, oh here,
Oh i asked myself ,
What am I doing here?
Oh here, oh here
And i can’t wait
‘til we can break up
Out of here