33-ročný muž
najnedávnejšie lognutie
31. 5.mája 2022 22:10
6368 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 14. júna 2007
- 1 _carrie: Ja kedysi: " zbožňujem psíky... nechápem ako môže mať niekto rád mačky!" ...
- 2 Teal:
- 3 Dezolat:
- 4 Dreyjir:
- 5 Samsebou30:
- 6 Yacopsae: Už mám manželku. < 3
- 1 Miro777: 24 rocna junior marketerka od nas otehotnela s 53 rocnym sefom sales oddelenia ...
- 2 Kviatek: Ktorý geniálny škriatok vyrábal tie SPS balíkomaty? Dopiče, veď tam sa nedá nič...
- 3 _carrie: Ja kedysi: " zbožňujem psíky... nechápem ako môže mať niekto rád mačky!" ...
- 4 Tequila: milan ondrik je strasne overrated
- 5 Azizi: Chystá sa pokračovanie najlepšieho českého sitcomu Comeback! Pozerali ste to kedysi? Ja Comeback milujem...
- 6 Teal:
- 7 Dezolat:
- 8 Dreyjir:
- 9 Samsebou30:
- 10 Yacopsae: Už mám manželku. < 3
- 1 Robinson44: Nerozumiem ľuďom, čo sem len chodia čítať všetky tie výplody a choré predstavy...
- 2 3kratadost: Jak sa volal ten cavo co tu chodil? Mal nick na D sa mi...
- 3 Miro777: Kolko je pre vas hranicna suma penazi, ze keby ich mate zo dna...
- 4 Azizi: Sára, Zuzana, Laura, Richard, Tobiáš < 3 Najkrajšie mená.
- 5 Karamella: Minibrat má dnes oslavu narodiek s kamošmi (9r), a má už nachystanú...
- 6 Miro777: 24 rocna junior marketerka od nas otehotnela s 53 rocnym sefom sales oddelenia ...
- 7 Barb: inak, celý život snívam o nadupanom adventnom kalendári keby mi niekto...
- 8 Manutdman: Páči sa vám, keď babe vytŕča ucho spod vlasov? Počul som ženský názor,...
- 9 Abstraktdepres: Keď dievčatám nevytrča s pod dlhých rovných vlasov ani kus elegantného malého ucha, ...
- 10 Skvrnka: /trilion vulgarizmov/ Neznášam afty.
What was it meant to be?
This one is pretty easy if you look around the place. It was something like a hotel/amusement park/spa kind of thing. Again, this is no surprise if you"re in the area and have a chance to peek around. There were two very large and complex swimming pools with water slides in the middle of it that may have had other features like a wave machine. It wasn"t meant to be single family housing or anything like that. It was more like a fancy hotel or resort. Although it"s cool to think of living there as a permanent residence, I assume it was too costly for that sort of thing."
Next, what happened to it?
Well, I"ve heard a dozen version of this one, but the one I tend to put the most faith in, because it is fairly common in Taiwanese real estate development as well as having the flavor of mundane reality, is that there was a falling out of the partners towards the end of construction. Also, consider that this was approximately the time of the biggest real estate bubble in history which was even bigger than the one in the US today, that is the Japanese real estate bubble of the eighties. This is a relic from that era and while you may protest that Taiwan in not Japan. Well, it"s a long story but suffice it to say that Taiwan is indeed a former colony of Japan and their economies are interrelated in many complex ways and Taiwan"s real estate was certainly caught up in a huge bubble at that time. The house I"m in now was worth around half a million in those days. Today it probably couldn"t get a hundred and fifty. So, it"s really not too mysterious what happened if you know a bit about the economic history of real estate in Taiwan.