F e e l s o d i f f e r e n t I am not like I was before I thought that nothing would change me I was not listening anymore still you continued to affect me I was not thinking anymore althought I said I still was I"d said "I don"t want anymore" because of bad experience but now I feel so different I feel so different I feel so different I have not seen freedom before and I did not expect to don"t let me forget now I"m here help me to help you to behold you I started off with many friends and we spent a long time talking thought they meant every word they said but like everyone else they were stalling and now they seem so different they seem so different they seem so different I should have hatred for you but I do not have any and I have always oh you have taught me plenty the whole time I"d never seen all you had spread before me the whole time I"d never seen that all I"d need was inside me now I feel so different I feel so different I feel so different. Cítim sa iná Nie som taká, aká som bola predtým. Myslím, že niečo ma zmenilo. Viac nepočúvam, Kým ty ma ďalej ovplyvňuješ. Viac nemyslím, hoci som povedala, že stále budem. Povedala by som, nechcem viac, kvôli zlej skúsenosti. Ale teraz sa cítim taká iná, Cítim sa iná, Iná... Nikdy predtým som nevidela slobodu, A neočakávala som ju, Nenechaj ma zabudnúť, teraz som tu, Pomôž mi, pomôcť ti, uzrieť ťa. Začala som s mnohými priateľmi, A trávili sme mnoho času rozprávaním, Myslím, oni boli celým svetom, Ale ako každý iný, aj oni boli ukradnutí... A teraz sa mi zdajú tak iní, Zdajú sa mi tak iní, Tak iní... Mala by som vás preto nenávidieť, Ale ja nemusím, Mám vždy... Ty si ma naučil mnoho. Celý čas som nikdy nevidela, Všetko, čo si predo mňa rozprestrel, Celý čas som nikdy nevidela, Že všetko, čo som potrebovala, bolo vnútri mňa. Ale teraz sa cítim taká iná, Cítim sa iná, Iná... Text piesne 0 0 0 0 0 Komentuj