27 komentov
1. 3.marca 2013 23:27

bože, ale chúďa, je mi jej strašne ľúto, čo sa s ňou stalo :/ teraz sa s Monou úplne vymenili
uplna kravina sa mi to zda byt jednoducho ani prilbu nezdvihla, jej stacilo vidiet par pismeniek, si myslim, ze to nebol toby
@majusssska aj ja som si myslela, ze to bude Wilden, ale je to Toby
A kravina je podla mna to, ze ju dali hned na psychiatriu. Bez toho aby to povedali jej rodine/znamym/kamoskam, HOCIKOMU. Neviezli ju na policiu, ani do nemocnice, ale rovno na psychiatriu?
A kravina je podla mna to, ze ju dali hned na psychiatriu. Bez toho aby to povedali jej rodine/znamym/kamoskam, HOCIKOMU. Neviezli ju na policiu, ani do nemocnice, ale rovno na psychiatriu?
a ja si myslim stale, ze nie a to ho ani nemam rada uvidime kto je podla teba A?
ze je to nerealne je uz druha vec
ze je to nerealne je uz druha vec
@majusssska ale videla som fotky aj video s Janel a ona hovorila, ze Toby je mrtvy, aj mala fotky s popisom RIP Toby. Keby to bol Wilden, tak by to nepovedali, nie?
nic take som sice nevidela, ale nezda sa mi, ze by urobili vsetko tak jednoduche a jasne tesne pred season finale
@majusssska som zvedava kde je Wildenovo telo, resp. kde je on. Lebo neverim, ze Hanninej mame sa normalne zjavil... ci? Myslis ze to bol realne on? Podla mna si to len namyslela
neviem veru, uprimne on ma moc nezaujima, je mi strasne nesympaticky od zaciatku len som zvedava, ci sa mi potvrdi teoria o wrenovi, dufam, ze hej aj ked je uplne nununu
co siiiii, ved wren je uplne najchutnejsi
uz dlhsie si myslim, ze on je A alebo aspon jeden z hlavnych a dneska som mala prilis vela casu a citala som nejake veci od inych ludi, ktori si dali tu namahu dat dokopy vselijake dokazy a prekvapivo to nejak do seba vsetko zapada. hodim ti to tu ak mas zaujem
uz dlhsie si myslim, ze on je A alebo aspon jeden z hlavnych a dneska som mala prilis vela casu a citala som nejake veci od inych ludi, ktori si dali tu namahu dat dokopy vselijake dokazy a prekvapivo to nejak do seba vsetko zapada. hodim ti to tu ak mas zaujem
@majusssska ja som tych teorii uz precitala veeela vela a na kazdu postavu sa hodi byt -A
Wren je podla mna hrozny prepac, ale na nom sa mi ani ten britsky prizvuk nezda sexy a to uz je co povedat! Lebo ja inak ten prizvuk mozem!
Wren je podla mna hrozny prepac, ale na nom sa mi ani ten britsky prizvuk nezda sexy a to uz je co povedat! Lebo ja inak ten prizvuk mozem!
Touched by an ‘A’-ngel — > Emily got a massage at a spa from A, although she believed it was the masseuse, so A must be very good at massages. Which we also know wren is pretty good at massages.
Kingdom of the blind — > ‘A’ pours themselves a vodka soda. In the Jenna thing wren ordered a vodka soda for himself.
What lies beneath — > ‘A’ tried previously to get Hanna’s blood and failed. Then when Hanna gets trapped in Noels cabin she cuts herself. Later Hanna gets a message saying ‘I’m saving you for later’. Hanna then goes to wrens so he can patch her up. He could have known this was going to happen as she wouldn’t have wanted to go to the hospital as questions would be asked.
breaking the code — > Wren tells spencer he has OCD then in what lies beneath we find out ‘A’ has OCD as they are spacing the hoodies perfectly on the clothing rack.
Can you hear me now — > All the lies block A’s mobile number. Later in the episode wren visits spencer and said he couldn’t get a hold of her because she had blocked him.
Blind dates — > ‘A’ trashed Dr. Sullivans office and wrote a message ‘NOESY BITCHES DIE’. Nosey is spelt with an ‘e’ which in the American dictionary there is no e, but in the British there is. Wren is British.
Save the date — > ‘A’ puts ‘human growth hormone’ in Emily’s cream. Wren works at a hospital and got very easily had of gotten his hands on it.
CTRL: A — > Hanna, spencer, and Emily are caught by the police dressed as candy strippers outside the morgue in the hospital as someone sent in an anonymous tip including a photograph. As wren works at the hospital he has easy access to security footage and could have sent it into the police.
It happened ‘that night’ — > A sent a message to the girls ‘Mona played with dolls, I play with body parts. Game on, bitches. –A’. Wren is a doctor and ‘plays with body parts’.
Birds of a feather — > ‘A’ changes Monas visitor status to permitted at Radley. Wren was working there at the time and could have had access to the files online and easily changed it.
Birds of a feather — > ‘A’ was in the airport, which was the same time Caleb’s mum was ran off the road. At the time wren had a crush on Hanna and could have been jealous of Caleb for having her.
Stolen kisses — > wren convinced Hanna to speak to the board to make sure that Mona wasn’t transferred. If wren is in the A team he would have needed her right where she is.
What lies beneath — > in the final scene we see A watching the news. When the camera pans over to A using the remote to change the channel we see a box with the words “Hopkins” written on it. Hopkins is a medical school, which wren may have attended.
The lady killer — > we see Mona walk out of Radley dressed as a nurse and wren may have very well helped her do that.
Other notes:
A needs to have a lot of money for all the cameras, phones, a lair, and more so being a doctor he gets paid a lot.
He doesn’t play a major role but he still keeps making appearances to the show.
He conveniently shows up at random times, to ‘save’ spencer.
Marlene King has said that the third A is someone who we know quite well and has been in the show since the start, and Wren fits this description perfectly.
akoze niektore veci sa mi zdaju byt trochu off (s tou calebovou mamou, co ja viem), ale inak dost dobre
Touched by an ‘A’-ngel — > Emily got a massage at a spa from A, although she believed it was the masseuse, so A must be very good at massages. Which we also know wren is pretty good at massages.
Kingdom of the blind — > ‘A’ pours themselves a vodka soda. In the Jenna thing wren ordered a vodka soda for himself.
What lies beneath — > ‘A’ tried previously to get Hanna’s blood and failed. Then when Hanna gets trapped in Noels cabin she cuts herself. Later Hanna gets a message saying ‘I’m saving you for later’. Hanna then goes to wrens so he can patch her up. He could have known this was going to happen as she wouldn’t have wanted to go to the hospital as questions would be asked.
breaking the code — > Wren tells spencer he has OCD then in what lies beneath we find out ‘A’ has OCD as they are spacing the hoodies perfectly on the clothing rack.
Can you hear me now — > All the lies block A’s mobile number. Later in the episode wren visits spencer and said he couldn’t get a hold of her because she had blocked him.
Blind dates — > ‘A’ trashed Dr. Sullivans office and wrote a message ‘NOESY BITCHES DIE’. Nosey is spelt with an ‘e’ which in the American dictionary there is no e, but in the British there is. Wren is British.
Save the date — > ‘A’ puts ‘human growth hormone’ in Emily’s cream. Wren works at a hospital and got very easily had of gotten his hands on it.
CTRL: A — > Hanna, spencer, and Emily are caught by the police dressed as candy strippers outside the morgue in the hospital as someone sent in an anonymous tip including a photograph. As wren works at the hospital he has easy access to security footage and could have sent it into the police.
It happened ‘that night’ — > A sent a message to the girls ‘Mona played with dolls, I play with body parts. Game on, bitches. –A’. Wren is a doctor and ‘plays with body parts’.
Birds of a feather — > ‘A’ changes Monas visitor status to permitted at Radley. Wren was working there at the time and could have had access to the files online and easily changed it.
Birds of a feather — > ‘A’ was in the airport, which was the same time Caleb’s mum was ran off the road. At the time wren had a crush on Hanna and could have been jealous of Caleb for having her.
Stolen kisses — > wren convinced Hanna to speak to the board to make sure that Mona wasn’t transferred. If wren is in the A team he would have needed her right where she is.
What lies beneath — > in the final scene we see A watching the news. When the camera pans over to A using the remote to change the channel we see a box with the words “Hopkins” written on it. Hopkins is a medical school, which wren may have attended.
The lady killer — > we see Mona walk out of Radley dressed as a nurse and wren may have very well helped her do that.
Other notes:
A needs to have a lot of money for all the cameras, phones, a lair, and more so being a doctor he gets paid a lot.
He doesn’t play a major role but he still keeps making appearances to the show.
He conveniently shows up at random times, to ‘save’ spencer.
Marlene King has said that the third A is someone who we know quite well and has been in the show since the start, and Wren fits this description perfectly.
akoze niektore veci sa mi zdaju byt trochu off (s tou calebovou mamou, co ja viem), ale inak dost dobre
@majusssska tak to padlo uplne
Wren by mohol byt nastvany na Spencer? Aj ked skor na Mellisu by mal byt
A mozno na Hannu, kedze ju chcel chvilku. Ale zvysok netusim
Wren by mohol byt nastvany na Spencer? Aj ked skor na Mellisu by mal byt
A mozno na Hannu, kedze ju chcel chvilku. Ale zvysok netusim
tak ak by to takto nakoniec bolo, tak oni si nanho najdu nejaku fajn pricinu
Spencer síce nemám rada, ale teraz mi je jej dosť ľúto (ach) fakt divné že ju šupli hneď do blázinca
divná je nejako im šibe všetkým teraz v poslednej dobe napr. Hanna s tým autom..
@1ivanushka1 v POSLEDNEJ DOBE???!
Si robis srandu? Ja som nevidela este ani jednu normalnu, REALNU cast PLL za vsetky serie dokopy
Si robis srandu? Ja som nevidela este ani jednu normalnu, REALNU cast PLL za vsetky serie dokopy
ale teraz ešte viac ale máš pravdu niekedy sa nestačím čudovať tým ich reakciám, proste..
ale zas reálnu časť... to by nikoho nebavilo
ale zas reálnu časť... to by nikoho nebavilo

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