26. 11.novembra 2012 21:03
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Ako sa konverzácia na Omegle môže natiahnuť na niekoľko hodín alebo veľmi zlá RPG vo veľmi zlej angličtine
Stranger: Pikachu was searching for berries in a forest. That's when he started to smell something. He walked toward the source
You: There he saw a small meadow full of grass-types and in the middle there was a Roselia taking care of an injured Leavanny (because it was magical meadow where Pokémon of all regions can be found)
Stranger: Pikachu walked forward, looking around "Wow.... Alot of grass types here"
You: Roselia noticed the unfamiliar sound. "I think, there is someone, who doesn´t belong here. I hope it comes in peace."
Stranger: Pikachu walked up to Roselia "Hello there....... How long has this place been here? I've lived here my whole life and never found it"
You: "I don´t know, I have been always been here. It is a paradise for grass types, where they can live happily and without fear to be harmed - unless they dance so wildly that they injure themselfs," smirked towards the injured Leavanny. "But I have never seen there any non-grass type here. Maybe is this place somehow protected and for some reason you managed to get here. But why?"
Stranger: "I don't really know how I got here..... I smelled something amazing and followed it here.... Did one of you use sweet scent?"
You: "Well, it wasn´t me. But many of those Bellosom know that move, so I would not be surprised. I am affraid I am so used to it, that I do not allways notice, when someone uses it, especially, when I am a bit busy," she said, after she finnished bandaging Leavannys ancle and sending it towards her befriended Meganium to end the cure. So Roselia and Pikachu stayed alone in the middle of the meadow and confused of their sudden meeting.
Stranger: "Oh.... So it was a Bellosum?....... Oh ok then....... So this place looks really nice actually. Sure it's only for grass types but it looks really comfy and pleasent"
You: "I think it doesn´t matter, which type you are. Look at me, I am also not a pure grass-type. Many others are differend types, also. I just think the place is so nice and safe, that we gathered here, because we have many weaknesses and there can no harm happen to us. If you want, you can stay here. But please, tell nobody about this place, I really don´t want the poachers here."
Stranger: "Oh don't worry I won't. So do you have a mate that lives here? Maybe one of the Venusaur or Torterra?"
You: "Well," Roselia blushed, "not yet." Then, suddenly imagining the situation, she added "imagine me with the big Pokémon as Torterra. That would be almost hot Skitty on Wailord action, don´t you think? Anyways, I feel too joung for those things, I evolved from Budew just a week ago".
Stranger: "Oh. Yeah that would kind of be awkward. I didn't evolve long ago either but I like to think I'm mature for my age" He laughed "Maybr you'd prefer something more like a male Leavanny..... Or maybe a Nuzleaf"
You: "No offence to Leavanny, but they are too feminine to me. Such a shame that so are males of my own species, too. But I kind of like Pansages and... if there were Snivy, whou wouldn´t evolve just for me..." Roselia gasped dreamilly.
Stranger: "Well you have another egg group you know. The fairy group. There are Togekiss. Clefairy. Snorunt. Pikachu. Alot of other options in it"
You: But egg groups are not the only, what matters, you know. Remember HSOWA," she winked. "And maybe I am too picky and end as one old, withered flower," she smiled widely.
Stranger: "Yeah I know. Plus when I said Pikachu I mean another Pikachu.... It would be pretty awkward if it was us"
You: "Under those circumstances, it definitelly would. We have just met."
Stranger: "Yeah. Plus you're a flower and I'm a mouse. Bad for everyone involved... I'm hoping I'll meet a cute Vulpix or Eevee someday...."
You: "That would be nice. Although I am a bit affraid of Vulpix, for obvious reasons."
Stranger: "Yeah.... I heard that it's kind of awkward to be a male pokemon near a group of Vulpix..... You know how there's three females per every male right?"
You: "I have never realized this. But think a bit about how hard it must be to be a female Eevee, or Bulbasaur, or Treecko. I still somehow think, that is less awkward for male to be among many females than to be a rare occasion of female in the species."
Stranger: "Yeah. Actually it's great to be a female of those species since the males pretty much will become the females slave in return for mating. Male Clefairy are used exclusively to be breeding stock for the females"
You: I think it isn´t. Because, you know, the kids are always the same species as the mother is, so those girls are allways used as birth-machines. But, at least they are not bullied such as female Machop or male Kirlia or Gardevoir.
Stranger: "Yeah.... Anyway back to my point.... Since there's so few males compared to Vulpix females..... Pretty much whenever they see males in there own egg group they start a fight over him"
You: "But so do males when they see some rare females of their own species. I have witnessed some cruel battles between male Torterra and it was nothing nice."
Stranger: "Yeah.... Pretty much any minority in a species is hunted by the majority for breeding. Lucky me that Pikachu are equal in gender placement"
You: "The same here. And also it´s fine that there is lots of choices among our egg groups."
Stranger: "Yeah.... Of course some choices for me aren't that great..... I don't think I'll ever think about breeding with Miltank"
You: Roselia laughed. "Yes, this is the same with me and some huge species. It is just too awkward. The nature itself must be really awkward and yet with great sense of humor."
Stranger: "Yeah I know..... I actually did have a Miltank flirt with me once...... I swear she would crush me...."
You: "Aww... I just imagined that she would accidentaly use rollout..."
Stranger: "Yeah..... She was cute it's just..... To huge....... Kind of awkward to reject a friend for her size"
You: "But... you can still be friends. Just friend if she could understand that."
Stranger: "Yeah I guess... I actually do like her.... She's nice and cute.... Just to large"
You: "So I don´t know. But I guess I can understand that. My very good friend is Cacnea and due to his needles and my poison point we have to stay quite distant of each other."
Stranger: "Oh.... Yeah that must suck..... Maybe I should go and agree to at least one romantic outing with her.... Also I think a Cacnea and a Roselia would go great together.... If you get past the needles"
You: "You can try it. There is not so much to lose. And don´t forget my poison point. I am really glad we´re jus friends, becaus otherwise the relationship would be the definition of "love hurts" " smirked
Stranger: Pikachu laughed "Well you never know. Could fall in love even with the problems. Maybe you could go with a Bulbasaur. He wouldn't mind the poison point"
You: "I know. And they are usually very nice, but if they evove into Venusaur, it will be bigger problem than you and Miltank. And I cannot want someone not to evolve just for me. But the point with partial poison types is great. Who knows..."
Stranger: "Yeah..... So would you mind if I went and brought Miltank here? I'm sure she'd love this place..... She might eat some of the grass though"
You: "In case she wouldn´t accidentaly eat some Oddish," I think it would be fine. But are you sure you can find your way back once you go out of here? You said you have never seen this place before, what if we come from differend ages and it was just Celebi who brought you there?"
Stranger: "It wasn't. I know this place is in the same time period. It's just hard to find since the only entrence was a small opening.. I'll be back" He rushed off and came back a while later with a Miltank following him
You: "Well, that was quick," she laughed before she greeted Miltank on the meadow.
Stranger: "Yeah I made sure to hurry" Miltank smiled and started to chew on the grass "Wow you were right. This place is amazing"
You: "Nice to meet you, I hope you will like this place."
Stranger: She kept eating grass "I already love it."
You: "that´s great"
Stranger: "Yeah I know" Miltank hugged Pikachu "He's such a sweety"
You: So, you two have already became a couple? " Roselia stood in awe.
Stranger: Miltank smiled and looked at Pikachu "Wait we're a couple!?" Pikachu sighed
You: "You just look like one," Roselia added innocently.
Stranger: Pikachu whispered "I told you that we're not a couple..... I just knew she loved places with so much grass"
You: "Sorry, but notice the way she is looking at you, it just confused me."
Stranger: Pikachu blushed "She's a huge chubby cow.... It wouldn't work"
You: "I know... I just couldn´t resist."
Stranger: Miltank smiled at her "So you really think me and Pikachu look like a couple?"
You: "A bit... although I was a bit bickering."
Stranger: "Oh... Well I think we'd be cute. I mean look at us. My large to even out his small"
You: "At least you´re not a Wailord," Roselia began to feel a bit weird making this reference one again.
Stranger: Pikachu laughed "What is it with you and Wailord?"
You: "Nothing! Really, I even haven´t seen one yet. I just think it is quite funny."
Stranger: "I can even mate with a Wailord"
You: "It does not suprise me. Those things are a bit weird."
Stranger: "Yeah.... So I'm happy that Miltank loves this place"
You: "But I hope she won´t eat the whole place... Okay, just kidding, it is here big enough even for the bunch of Miltank"
Stranger: "Yeah.... Plus she's so adorable when she's happy"
You: "you really like her," Roselia continued bickering.
Stranger: He blushed "Oh shut up....."
You: "Okay," she nodded a bit disappointed.
Stranger: "What's wrong?"
You: "Nothing, I am just in my bickering mood, sorry if I am a bit annoying with it."
Stranger: "It's ok....... Just don't say I like her"
You: "Okay"
Stranger: "She's adorable but like I said, romance wouldn't work"
You: "Yes, I understand. But I think you should explain it to her, I can see in her eyes she has not the same opinion."
Stranger: "Fine......." Miltank looked at them "What have you been talking about this whole time?"
You: "Nothing," Roselia smiled innocently.
Stranger: "Uh.... Miltank..... I don't think we'd work...... You're huge compared to me" She sighed "Well we can make it work can't we?"
You: "I know I should not interfere into you two and I told I am too young to really solve this relationship problems, but you two really should make up your minds." Then she went to Miltank and whispered: "I know it might be strange, but do you know Attract? I know it will be cheating a bit, but I sincerely think, that this can at least help realising, if it would work or not. But... if not, don´t spam with it all the time, it would make things even worse."
Stranger: She smiled at her and whispered "Attract? Yeah I learned it a while ago. So you're suggesting using it on him?"
You: "A bit," she smiled innocently. "Because I think he already likes you, he just cannot confess it to himself, maybe it could work. But really, really don´t use it when you see it doesn´t work very well. The consenquences can be very bad."
Stranger: "Oh ok.." She winked at Pikachu and hearts surrounded him. He started staring at Miltank "Well I'd say it worked"
You: "Good job, Miltank, I think I´ll let you have some privacy to solve some things and... well, good luck," she winked as she went a bit away to meet her befriended Cacnea. "Aw... haven´t I told you not to hug me? The needles." "And poison point," added Cacnea embarassed, "I´m sorry, I always forget. But at least, I have always some Pecha berries with me," he added.
Stranger: (So skip ahead a few minutes then? Considering it'll just be talking with ourselves until the group meets up again)
You: (Ok)
Stranger: When Roselia and Cacnea came back, Pikachu was cuddling up against Miltank "Thanks for the idea Roselia. This is great"
You: "So... the effect of you-know-what just wore off?" she asked Miltank.
Stranger: "Nope. Not yet. As you can tell by the cuddling"
You: "You know, if it worked, you would continue even then."
Stranger: "Yeah.... You know attract lasts longer depending on how much they like you normally"
You: "I have never thought of it before. But then it is great then, it lasts so long."
Stranger: "Yeah.... That's a great sign then"
You: "I wish you that," Roselia smirked and then explained the whole situation to Cacnea.
Stranger: A few moments later Pikachu stopped and looked around "Uh..... What happened?"
You: Roselia pretended to have very interresting conversation with Cacnea just to avoid answering.
Stranger: Miltank smiled "Oh you just started cuddling me out of nowhere and said you loved me" Pikachu blushed "Uh..... I did?"
You: "I am affraid it didn´t work well," Roselia sighted. Cacnea wanted to sympatheticali place his arm on her shoulder, but then suddenly realizet, it is not the best idea and turned away, ashamed.
Stranger: She sighed "Pikachu answer one question. If I wasn't a large Miltank would you date me?" He looked a little nervous "Uh.... Yeah.."
You: "Here we go... the whole concept of "I cannot be with you just because it would be strange or what the others would say is getting a bit boring. You like each other. I know that´s not enough, so I just ask: Pikachu, do you find her at least a bit attractive? No pun attended, really," she added with a small grim. She somehow didn´t notice, how anglily looked Cacnea at her.
Stranger: "Yeah..... She's adorable....... I really find her attractive"
Stranger: "I love everything just she could crush me...."
You: "So... is there any way to avoid crushing him, Miltank? Such as forgetting rollout or promising, that you would never, never jump on him in joy?" Then she turned sadly to Cacnea, realizing what is he thinking "I am affraid this is really different situation and you know that."
Stranger: "Well Cacnea could get his spines dulled and you could cut off your poison point." Miltank thought for a second "I promise Pikachu I'll never crush you"
You: "Poison point is an ability, unfortunatelly. And... those needles are sharp enough even dulled. In addition to this, I could never ask him to shave his needles completely, it would be so strange."
Stranger: "Oh ok.... Yeah I guess she just has to not hug me that much. Kind of awkward being udder height with her when she hugs me"
You: "Problem solved," said Roselia in a happy voice. "I... I know I am weak to poison, but there is still a large amount of Pecha berries growing there, I really can see a problem here. I also can avoid my evolution, but... what with my needles?" he added sadly.
Stranger: "Oh..... Well..... Maybe you could just try to be gentle when you're near her. As long as you two don't mate it'll be fine"
You: "Maybe, maybe it could be, but... what it once comes to that situation?" Roselia wondered. "It is simple," Cacnea blushed. "It will be just as between two Cacnea. There is the spore, and sometimes it goes even without Combee or Beedril. Well, THIS just sounded weird", he blushed even more.
Stranger: "Oh yeah... You two don't need to actually mate you just need to be pollinated"
You: "Actually yes, I think. I... I just was allways too shy to learn about this thing." Roselia answered.
Stranger: "Yeah that's great..... If me and Miltank ever want children..... I'll need to be careful...."
You: "I think it could work. Just Miltank should not be too dominant," Cacnea grinned mitchievously.
Stranger: Miltank blushed and grinned "But I love being the dominant one" She laughed
You: So, this is getting even more interesting than sadomasochistic old-fashioned grass.type breeding. Not that I am into such things," added Cacnea laughing.
Stranger: Pikachu was cracking up "Sure you're not Cacnea. You know if you don't wanna risk hurting your mate you could always go with a Bisharp"
You: "I think any steel type would work that way... but sincerely, they aren´t very good looking. They seem to be quite cold to me."
Stranger: "Yeah. Especially considering she'd cut you instead of you cutting her. Covered in metal blades and all"
You: That wouldn´t be very nice of her. I´d be rather poisoned," he winked towards Roselia.
Stranger: "Yeah. So you two do like each other. I knew it"
You: "Well, I guess..."
Stranger: Miltank smiled "Well you can breed alot easier then us. Cacnea just needs to let out his pollen. Not as satisfying though"
You: "I am not sure, but it should go even in the old-fashionate way, but I still don´t know if I want to risk it, because, you already know."
Stranger: "Wow you two are already thinking about mating?"
You: "No!" Roselia blushed. "You came with that issue."
Stranger: "We never said we would mate. We just said there'd be issues considering the weight difference" Miltank faked being insulted "You calling me fat?"
You: "We just said there would be other issues, but not necessary that it has to be solved soon."
Stranger: "Ok I guess..... Oh and Miltank I wasn't calling you fat. Just kind of huge compared to me"
You: "By the way, why I have always thought that by Miltank it should be compliment? You know, the bigger Miltank, the better"
Stranger: "Well it is a compliment to be called big. But.... Yeah I guess calling a Miltank fat is a compliment"
You: "That is nice"
Stranger: Miltank laughed "Yep. I guess you can call me as fat as you want. Not normally nice but I guess I can take it as a compliment"
You: "Those things always depend on who and how says it, I think"
Stranger: "Yep." Miltank grinned "Of course.... If I do feel insulted I could crush any of you just by rolling over. So be careful of that"
You: "I´ll remember that," Roselia laughed.
Stranger: She smiled "So Pikachu are we mates now?" He sweatdropped "Uh.... Not quite mates yet"
You: "Let´s call it a couple," Cacnea suggested.
Stranger: "Yeah.... Mating can wait a while..... Maybe wait until I find a thunderstone and evolve"
You: Roselia facepalmed. "How didn´t I think about this before? It would solve many of your problems."
Stranger: "Well I'd still be half her size and weight. I'm one fourth of it now"
You: "I said many, not all," she defended herself, smiling.
Stranger: "So you guys know where I'd get a thunderstone?"
You: "Well, maybe close to the powerplants, I guess," "Or in a market in large cities, I personally wouldn´t go there," added Roselia.
Stranger: "There is one run down powerplant we could go to...... You two are grass types. Barely hurt by electric attacks. I can't be hurt by electricity. Miltank is build to take hits so she can take them to"
You: "So do you want us to help with the search?" Roselia asked. "I personally don´t mind" nodded Cacnea.
Stranger: "Ok sounds great. Lets get going" Pikachu and Miltank started walking to the power plant
You: The grass couple followed them.
Stranger: "So you think we'll find one here"
You: "I think there is a big chance, I am not sure," "Or you just can find the man in suit, who is searching for those stones. Maybe he can give you one," Roselia suggested.
Stranger: "Well lets search this place first" Pikachu entered the power plant and started looking around
You: "But beware the strange looking Pokébals. They can explode," Roselia warned.
Stranger: "Yeah I hate Electrode....... Wait.... Do you guys here a bird screeching?"
You: The grass couple fearhugged. "Rather the needles than a flying-type," Roselia thought.
You: "Can it be... a Zapdos?" asked Cacnea after initial surprise of Roselias sudden behaviour.
Stranger: "Oh no...... Zapdos........ Maybe we can reason with him"
You: "I... hope so, but I´ll let you do this, Pikachu, maybe as an electric type..."
Stranger: "If not then Miltank can handle him..... He has a quadrupal weakness to rollout"
You: "I almost forgot... thank Arceus"
Stranger: Miltank smiled "Yep. Don't worry I'll deal with him if he attacks" They kept walking and Pikachu pointed a yellow stone inside a machine "There's one.."
You: "So, let´s take it. Evolve."
Stranger: Pikachu walked closer and touched the stone, growling larger as his tail changed shape. After the evolution was finished a Raichu was standing there "Wow.... I feel great"
You: "It´s amazing... I think, I have never seen a Raichu before. But let´s go fast out of here. The Zapdos."
Stranger: "Yeah lets go" Raichu started rushing to the exit before being blocked by the Zapdos "Hello there small mouse..... You stole the thunderstone"
You: "Should... should I try the stun spore or sleeppowder?" Roselia asked immobilizad by fear.
Stranger: Zapdos looked at her and screeched "Neither. You stole that stone from us. It was considered precious" Raichu thought for a moment and spoke up "Well to you it was just a treasure. It's more useful being used to evolve then just stared at"
You: "And it still looks nice," Cacnea added.
Stranger: "Yes I suppose.... It lost the energy it once held though........"
You: "Was it useful somehow?"
Stranger: "No but I liked it better with it's charge"
You: "It is some way we can redo this?"
Stranger: "Unless the Raichu can charge the stone again then you can't"
You: The grass types looked at Raichu "Can you do this?"
Stranger: "We'll I'm hoping..." Raichu started letting out all his electricity into the stone and it started glowing "That enough?" Zapdos moved closer and inspected it "Yes I suppose"
You: "So we can go away now?"
Stranger: He screeched and flew into the air "Fine. Just don't ruin anything else"
You: Roselia shrieked in happiness. "Thank you, thank you very much"
Stranger: Miltank smiled "Good to get out of this without anyone being hurt"
You: "except the needles," roselia smiled as Cacneas face turned red with embarassement. "But it is okay now"
Stranger: Raichu laughed "Aww you two are so cute together"
You: "Ehm... thank you"
Stranger: Miltank grinned "Not as cute as us though"
You: "I think there is no point in arguing," Roselia smiled
Stranger: "Yeah lets get out of here..... Zapdos is watching us"
You: The Pokémon succesfully managed to get out of the powerplant before Zapdos changed its mind.
Stranger: Miltank grinned "You know you said we could mate once you evolved right?"
You: The grass type couple grinned. "So I suppose we should leave you alone, shouldn´t we?"
Stranger: Raichu blushed and looked at them "Uh... N-No don't leave...... We don't have to mate yet..."
You: "I think you are still a bit affraid, pal," Cacnea forced himself not to tap Raichu friendly on his shoulder.
Stranger: "I'm not afraid..... Just to soon to mate"
You: "I understand, but... you seemed to be affraid from the first moment I saw you. Don´t take in a bad way, though."
Stranger: Miltank laughed "Come on you know you want to"
You: Cacnea facepalmed and thus hurt itself in confusion. "Now you know, how it is like," Roselia lauged.
Stranger: Miltank looked at them and laughed "So you two mind giving us some space? I think we need some alone time"
You: "I have no problem with this. But be sure you have TM 17," Cacnea winked. Roselia looked confused. "I´ll explain sometime later, right?" Cacnea answered.
Stranger: Miltank laughed "Trust me I don't think we need it. I think I'm ready for children"
You: "So soon? Now even I would be scared," Cacnea answered.
Stranger: Raichu looked nervous "Uh..... Kids?.........."
You: "At least you´ll have some Moomoo milk in case you´ll get crushed," Roselia added.
Stranger: Miltank grinned "Yep... He can have some milk anytime" Raichu sighed "I swear that is the weirdest flirting line I've ever heard"
You: "I still think that you shouldn´t push him straight to having children, you know, some time ago you weren´t even dating."
Stranger: Miltank thought for a second "Fine all use what Cacnea mentioned...... You guys get going. We'll catch up in a bit"
You: Cacnea grinned as they walked away. "I still think they should have taken the Day Care instead." Roselia chuckled.
Stranger: Raichu and Miltank caught up to them a while later "Hey... We're back"
You: "Wow, you´re fast..." Cacnea stayed in awe. "But at least, we didn´t have to wait too long."
Stranger: "We didn't do much..... Protect failed after a few minutes so we had to cut it short"
You: "Aww... I´m sorry for that. At least I hope that Raichu is not so scared anymore."
Stranger: "Well.... I'm not as worried...... She's not that heavy when you get used to it"
You: "Maybe it´s also because you evolved. But I think I understand, it is the same with the needles." "Or the poison."
Stranger: "Yeah..... I'm not as scared of being crushed at least"
You: "Well she is just twice as heavy as you, it is not so scary, I think"
Stranger: "Yeah.... Plus she tends to not let her full weight down"
You: "So almost everything went better than expected."
Stranger: "Yeah.... Kind of awkward though.... Like I said.. Even now I'm still udder height with her when mating"
You: "Can we change the topic, please?" Roselia interfered into guys´ conversation, blushing.
Stranger: "Yeah gladly" Miltank grinned "But he makes me sound so great"
You: "Thank you, and it´s great that he makes you feel so great... well, that was very bad sentence," Roselia chuckled.
Stranger: "Yeah.... So lets stop talking about mating"
You: "So, what a wonderful weather, today!" laughed Roselia at her try to change the topic.
Stranger: "Yeah I guess..... I could go for a lightning storm though"
You: "I like better sunny days. Or sandstorms."
Stranger: "Yeah. Makes sense a Cacnea would like those" "I like normal days. Not to sunny that I'm sweating... But not raining or snowing. I can take cold though. Got my own insulation" She laughed
You: "I am fine, till is not freezing. Aww."
Stranger: "So I guess we all like different weather"
You: "It is reasonable, since we all are diferrent. But I think that when is not too cold and not too hot, almost everyone likes it."
Stranger: "Yeah. I'm the only one here who likes when lightning is coming down"
You: "It is a nice view, but I am affraid that it causes a giant fire and burns whole forest"
Stranger: "Well I like it because I tend to get struck and the feeling..... Oh Arceus the feeling is good"
You: "It is reasonable for a electric-type. If you would ht, would it recharge you?"
Stranger: "Yeah..... Plus...... Well..... The feeling is pretty much better then mating"
You: "Didn´t we want drop this topic?" Cacnea laughed. "Maybe can Miltank learn some electric move"
Stranger: "I was just saying how being struck by lightning felt"
You: "Okay... I just had to."
Stranger: "Ok... Plus Miltank does know thunderbolt actually"
You: "Does she? She is one very good type-covered Pokémon then"
Stranger: "She wants to make sure she's ready for everything"
You: "I think it is great to know such a variety of moves"
Stranger: "Yeah. I know thunderbolt. Focus blast. Nasty plot. Plus attract for females"
You: "Isn´t Miltank jealous for the last one?"
Stranger: Miltank grinned "Not as long as it's just for battling"
Stranger: "Besides I have attract and he's not jealous"
You: "I´ve almost forgotten about your Attract... and the consenquences"
Stranger: "Wait.. What do you mean?"
You: "Nothing, really nothing, just an inside joke."
Stranger: "Someone tell me what you mean"
You: "Really nothing."
Stranger: Miltank laughed "You guys can tell him it's ok"
You: "If you think so... It is just she used Attract on you on the beginning, to see, if it would work."
Tu to žiaľ skončilo. Možno nikdy nebude pokračovať, ale nevadí.
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- 1 Y4nn4: Ako Rytmus naučil celú generáciu mužov slovo "Zlatokopka"
- 2 Mahmut: Obžaloba ľudstva za jeho zvrátené tvorenie a vládnutie
- 3 Pravnik: Apolitickosť neexistuje. Angažujete sa?
- 1 Hovado: Mám šťastie
- 2 Tomas5555555: Takto vyzerá ideálny štát !
- 3 Willbebetter: - - - pretoze si to nedovolim - - -
- 5 Y4nn4: Ako Rytmus naučil celú generáciu mužov slovo "Zlatokopka"
- 6 Bender1010: Príbehy z Paddocku Rok 1999 časť 4.
- 7 Puuzdro: Chtíče
- 8 Dezolat: Nadnárodná diverzná aktivita lesných entít: Analýza vplyvu "Šmolkov" na geopolitickú destabilizáciu a sociálnu polarizáciu
- 9 Mahmut: Obžaloba ľudstva za jeho zvrátené tvorenie a vládnutie
- 10 Mahmut: Stručne a jasne! Blíži sa k nám Hviezda Syna Človeka!