Imagine that you are standing at the crossroad. You are standing there the whole year; as the leaves are changing theirs colors and falling to the ground, then they are sinking into ground and finally, new leafs are growing and showing up.You have to decide which way you want to continue. To the right or to the left? Both of the roads look the same, but do not get fooled.
Path on the left side is easy. If you pick it, you will meet many interesting people; clowns, pianists and even painters. Painters will paint their pictures and expose them on the top of the trees that grow along your way. The pictures will be so beautiful, some of them will make you laugh, some of them will make you cry. But you will never see them from close up, because the trees are tall and you are too short.
Soon you will meet a fairy and marry her. You will build a house and make a circle around it. You will go in circles everyday until you forget about all the beautiful pictures you have ever seen. Your life will be happy. One day, the fairy will lose her wings and you will become one with the soil.
But be careful if you want to chose the path on the right side. You will rarely meet a person there, and if so, you will meet gentlemen that never stop running forward or ladies in black suits that never open their eyes. You will have a lot of challenges and nobody will be there to help you. There will be no beauty hanging on the trees to make you laugh or cry. It will be hard for you.
But if you make it, you will find a treasure chest under the tree one day. Inside the chest there will be a canvas and brushes. Now after all of that, you will be able to paint your future and live at the top of a tree. Running gentlemen will stop and black ladies will open their eyes just to look at your masterpiece. Clowns, pianists and even other painters will come and salute you. You will be making a picture every day. After a while, you will be too tired from your journey and painting. So you will turn into dust.
Now it is time for you to chose.
Do you want to live in the house with a wingless fairy or at the top of a tree and paint a picture?
To the left, or to the right?
Od 1. decembra píšem denník na svojom blogu!
9 komentov k blogu
21. 11.novembra 2010 09:26
Prečo skončíš s birzdovským denníkom?
hnevám sa ! ja chcem mať tvoj blog každý deň v Mojom Birdzi !!!
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