A photograph of a male model in the "zen lotus position" with the bottom half of the photograph being from a female model. This is because the male model could not perform the position, making the figure androgynous.

A photograph of a male model in the "zen lotus position" with the bottom half of the photograph being from a female model. This is because the male model could not perform the position, making the figure androgynous.
16 komentov
19. 7.júla 2013 14:19

The model is covered in blood, which is explained as a metaphor for mankind finding peace of mind through obscenity. Additionally, each of the three blood-smeared hands poses in the shape of the number six, which is meant to symbolize the inherently evil nature of man.
@sapphirizing no nie je to taka prvoplanovka cize to nie je take jednoduche prist na to, co to symbolizuje. o to viac potesi
Diky, že to tu je aj s vysvetlením, už dlhšie som rozmýšľala, čo to znamená

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