32-ročný muž, na dievčatá
najnedávnejšie lognutie
19. 9.sept. 2022 21:25
5293 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 6. septembra 2010
Stretnú sa homosexuál, Róm, Grék, Maďar, utečenec a klimatická zmena aby si vylosovali, kto môže za pokazené životy Slovákov tento deň...
9 komentov
10. 8.augusta 2015 12:02

a vylosovali USA
a birdzáci majú ešte väčší zoznam! kde je *zavináč* admin ?!
1. Becouse i was iteresting about what BGI do. And I hear is it a big Hi tech company and i just can know what they do.
2.I have it organize with 2 paraler line. one is the longavity and how the BGI do that. And two is view of ordinery people in china and what they sey abou it. And my expres to people is the meaning of life. There is important to life what they want and is important to be heatly and maybe slow they life and just be happy.
3. the schooting was very inspirating. and give me a lot. I see lot of place in china. And a have a oportunity to talk with people and see how they lives. And also it was very exhaustive but give me lot of energi.
2.I have it organize with 2 paraler line. one is the longavity and how the BGI do that. And two is view of ordinery people in china and what they sey abou it. And my expres to people is the meaning of life. There is important to life what they want and is important to be heatly and maybe slow they life and just be happy.
3. the schooting was very inspirating. and give me a lot. I see lot of place in china. And a have a oportunity to talk with people and see how they lives. And also it was very exhaustive but give me lot of energi.
My movie talks about the circle of life. There are two paraler film line. One is from BGI, where people from the company say about they work on and find how can Extend their lives. Let us explain they scientific discoveries and what is best for our lives. On the other hand, we have a series of interviews with people. We start from the beginning and I think of them from the children and we are gradually going through all the stages of life. He finds their attitude towards immortality. They would like to live their own way and what they would do if they were living forever. We hear about their dreams. We observe them in the environment typical of the age . It's a kind of interview movie. In the movie, we can compare of they needs and dreams.
导演:Peter Frohlich
Director:Peter Frohlich
Producer:Yue Pan
Translantor:Wenli Yang
导演:Peter Frohlich
Director:Peter Frohlich
Producer:Yue Pan
Translantor:Wenli Yang

Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Raketak: tealovi skoncili sickdays zase tu smradi
- 2 Trevor1994: www.facebook.com/Ruskoonline... kokot krasnov prerusil pomoc. Asi sa uvidime v zakopoch...
- 3 Tulipanoo: ja som najviac office clovek, chodim skoro kazdy den, ale chcela by...
- 4 Dezolat: Utorkovy chillin www.youtube.com/watch?v=oGm...
- 5 Limitles: som vo faze zivota kde skrolujem daily paws ...
- 1 Lejla32: No tak ked v nedelu o 7.40 som sa zobudila na nejaky buchot po...
- 2 Mytickaentita: bpd je picovina a mala by sa prestať romantizovať
- 3 Tomas5555555: Súhlasili by ste s tým aby si Europa s Amerikou a Ruskom rozdelili celé...
- 4 Jf: Mannheim
- 5 Raketak: tealovi skoncili sickdays zase tu smradi
- 6 Clarise: Včera som si skoro po piatich rokoch sadla a zahrala si na klavíri (keyboard)...
- 7 Trevor1994: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ckc...
- 8 Trevor1994: www.facebook.com/Ruskoonline... kokot krasnov prerusil pomoc. Asi sa uvidime v zakopoch...
- 9 Samsebou30: youtu.be/GJ2X9SANsME...
- 10 Tulipanoo: ja som najviac office clovek, chodim skoro kazdy den, ale chcela by...
- 1 3kratadost: Mam rad tu teoriu, ze Putin somehow ovlada Trumpa. To je jak Flat...
- 2 Samsebou30: Včera neviem čo to bol za divný deň, no nezačal sa zrovna najšťastnejšie....
- 3 Tulipanoo: divne tinder dates su moja parketa, dnes sme s typkom, ktory robi...
- 4 Lejla32: No tak ked v nedelu o 7.40 som sa zobudila na nejaky buchot po...
- 5 3kratadost: Nasiel som na ulici vintage anglicky noz o >45 rokov starsi nez som ja!...
- 6 Tomas5555555: Dcérka strašne plače, prosím napíšte jej niečo pekné, ono si to tu...
- 7 Mytickaentita: musela som dnes ukončiť jedno 8ročné priateľstvo. je mi to ľúto, ale zároveň...
- 8 Mytickaentita: bpd je picovina a mala by sa prestať romantizovať
- 9 Tomas5555555: myslim ze pracovat by mali aj vsetci dochodcovia.... koment
- 10 Mezomus: zena zrazila na aute macku a teraz je z toho smutna. ja som stastny,...