35-ročný muž, na dievčatá
najnedávnejšie lognutie
11. 12.decembra 2014 19:20
3908 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 10. mája 2014
6 komentov
11. 5.mája 2014 12:38
Ten klip bol na zaklade dakej rozpravky ci coho to, ked pogooglis isto najdes
@Regan According to myth adaptation meaning,[13] the music video, which hints at The Wizard of Oz, is about an "aural" Bolivian legend dating to the early 20th century, which concerns a deaf boy who fled from his abusive home and found a stray dog that accompanied him since then. After living on the streets for an undefined amount of time he discovers that he has special talent of perceiving people's troubles, which he can heal by screaming, which is said to be as loud as an earthquake and a tornado. One day, he finds an old man who is being stoned by veo, by buying him a new heart. Together, they meet a disfigured man who was abused, considered a leper by society. The disfigured man reveals that he is a prophet who was cursed by a demon (El Tio) because he didn't worship him anymore, and abandoned the society where the demon resided. El Tio is considered as the lord of the underworld, to whom mortal people offer gifts in exchange for protection, or to ease his anger.[14] The prophet said anybody who could hear the demon would fall under his control. He told them the demon could be found in desert, where there once was a town in which people worshipped the demon and he cursed them to kill themselves. Together they go to the place where the demon should reside. They arrive at a mine where the demon is supposed to be, but everybody with their hearing intact could be cursed by the demon, thus the boy had to face the demon alone and out-voice him with his scream to stop him from cursing others.
The video ends with an open end, considering that El Tio is the lord of the underworld who rules in the mines, which were of use for people for a prolonged period of time, whom miners sacrifice a llama from time to time to avoid from being cursed, the boy could be seen as a big sacrifice to redeem the miners from El Tio's undesirable influence.[15]
The video ends with an open end, considering that El Tio is the lord of the underworld who rules in the mines, which were of use for people for a prolonged period of time, whom miners sacrifice a llama from time to time to avoid from being cursed, the boy could be seen as a big sacrifice to redeem the miners from El Tio's undesirable influence.[15]
Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Lytaryta: Aky vysavac vybrat ? do max 200 ~ 300 euriek nie...
- 2 Nats: jox je naj, sice chuti ako grcka, ale aspon to vobec nepomaha...
- 3 Lytaryta: Slzy Libtardu novy rocník 2025 uz od zajtra ...
- 4 Obivankenobi: Nech žije Trump
- 5 Teal: Lučenec je tak bizarne zaujímavý...
- 6 3kratadost: Pacil sa mi jeden citat, ze USA politika je ako wrestling. Na zaciatku...
- 7 Teal:
- 8 Patrixo: Jej super Trump je konecne prezident a do 24 hodin ukonci specialnu trojdnovu vojensku...
- 1 Kviatek: Piča dojebaná, pribrzdená čo nevie si dať svoje šteňa na vôdzku a preto...
- 2 Tulipanoo: dostali sme vino s kamaratkou, z maleho vinarstva na Morave, biele, ...
- 3 Lytaryta: Aky vysavac vybrat ? do max 200 ~ 300 euriek nie...
- 4 Tomas5555555: Jazda za 0, 03 eur/km.... koment
- 5 Nats: jox je naj, sice chuti ako grcka, ale aspon to vobec nepomaha...
- 6 Lytaryta: Slzy Libtardu novy rocník 2025 uz od zajtra ...
- 7 Teal: Myslíte si, že ľudstvo sa postupom času zbaví zo svojho genetického poolu rakeťákov...
- 8 Abstraktdepres: Teším ku kamarátovi na dve veci. Má jeden úžasný koberec. Rád sa v nom...
- 9 Lejla32: ...
- 10 Obivankenobi: Nech žije Trump
- 1 Samsebou30: Ja musím nájsť psychológa, možno nájsť čas na oddych, lebo zle sa...
- 2 Tomas5555555: Ludia OTUPIEVAJU ! Koment !!
- 3 Lejla32: Kktski susedia musia robiť ramus od 9.15 do 9.45 a ptm su ticho... chcela...
- 4 Nats: vzdy ked mam stres z prace tak si iba spomeniem aki tupi ludia riadia...
- 5 Samsebou30: Tak to už nielen mužom, ale aj ženám začína šibať z prílišnej samoty...
- 6 Robinson444: Včera som si dal výživnú one man party v meste. Chodil som od baru...
- 7 3kratadost: Mna neprestane udivovat, ze kto vsetko je na steroidoch. Su taki ti chlapci,...
- 8 Azizi: Práve som si uvedomila, že som na Birdzi už skoro 20 rokov ...
- 9 Lejla32: Inak keď niekto hľadáte krásny smetny kos, lebo nemáte priestor v kuchynskej linke...
- 10 Lytaryta: ^^ jo smeták ~200 euriek ...