He smiled and said: “Neither my sentence about the unique date didn´t forces you to come on time!?!” I just smiled and everything is ok. I´m asking where we are going but he is just smiling and telling me it is a surprise. I´m so excited about it! While we are travelling we are talking about future and our relationship. We are together almost three years! We are both twenty and planning our future together. He said that that date is his present from him on our anniversary. I´m thinking about so many things he should make or buy, but when I ask him, he always says you will see. And that makes me more curious about it!
We got off from bus I look around but I can’t recognize anything. He takes my hand and pulls me through houses. He stops before some old residence. He presses the gate and we come to nice garden. The summer is in full swing, trees are in bloom and birds are singing and I´m wondering whether he arranged it or not. He is still silently mysteriously smiling and I'm just more and more confused and excited about what will be in this nice residence.
Door was open so we get in. The silent slow music which we hear comes from room where Michael (my boyfriend) is towing me to. When we come in, the dark was everywhere. He say go straight and have your arms before you. So I start walking. My hands hit to something tough so I turn left to find another way. And then he turns on lights and I could see mirrors everywhere. He is coming to me while I´m looking around. I´m so surprised but we are going to the middle of room and there we find old red sofa, so we sit down. He turns on another light and the mirrors lights up. The marvelous reflections appear above old red sofa which we are sitting on. We are sitting inside the mirrors and silently watching these unbelievable reflections. In this silence we listen to music and every song which I heard reminds me some event or special episode of my and Michael’s life.
I could sit like this all day but I was so interested in details of making this mirror lights and all around it. So I asked: “How did you make it? Whose is this house? And how…?” He smiles at me: “Stop asking and savor this while. He put up some flashlights and starts to light on mirrors, the reflection was changing and moving it was unbelievably beautiful. He puts there colorful lights and the reflection was beautiful. He stands up from sofa and asks me for dance. The song which is playing at that moment is song on which we danced our first dance. We are dancing inside every mirror which is there. It is gorgeous experience to see me and my love in every mirror like we are dancing. Than we start moving around mirrors and the lights start dancing too. We are dancing inside the mirror and our souls are happy and interlacing.
After some songs we sit down and we are just enjoying this moment. He stands up and goes away. I´m looking at him in mirrors then he kneels and I stop breathing. The song which just start playing was asking me: “Will you marry me?” and Michael ask me: “Will you?” I moved to tears and say: “Yes!” but when I want to go towards him I couldn´t find him, he was in every mirror but I couldn’t find him. Then he finally dab me and I turn to him and we kiss. He puts on my finger the ring and we come back to the hall.
He shows me some rooms of the house and tells me: “I inherit this house from my uncle. He was artist and these mirrors are his life´s work. When I was younger I helped him with it so I know how it works. He has lot of his work in this house do you want to see them?” I just give him nod and we start to go over the house. His uncle was very talented. The house has three floors and on every floor there are many rooms and in every room is some painting or statue.
After inspection we went back to the hall and then to the kitchen there we find dinner. Michael burns the candles and we start eating. He asks me whether I want to live here with him. I start coughing because of a bit of food in my throat. When I catch my breath I say yes and we finish eating. We moved to room with mirrors. We were expressing our love to each other when we smell some smoke. We run to the kitchen there was big fire so we call firemen and we were trying to put off the fire but fire was stronger. We went out because the smoke was everywhere.
Michael doesn’t want to leave this house. We hear horns so we go away. Firemen start to put the fire off. And we are watching it from the garden. He say: “I know, nothing can be perfect but there were so many things and days in my life that weren’t perfect that I thought today it can be perfect and somebody above us likes me but I was wrong.” Firemen are running around us but I'm happy. ”This day is perfect! I love you and everything what happened was beautiful and perfect this fire is just variegation of this perfect day. I can see us in this house how we are repairing it. And somewhere in the house there will be buggy with our child. Because I´m pregnant! ” Now he was the one who don’t have words.
We lie on the grass and listen sound of falling water and crackling of fire. How we are lying there we both have big smile on our faces. When fireman sees us like that he wonders if it is our house. “Is it your house? The fire starts because of candle which was on table in kitchen.” “Ach, I knew that I forget about something. It´s my fault, I'm sorry darling that I destroy our perfect day.” say Michael and fireman went away. “I love you and nothing except the kitchen was destroyed.”
When we organize everything about house with the firemen we went on bus stop. The time of division had come and we cannot divide ourselves. That day in the mirrors is the most wonderful thing which happened in my life and in Michael’s too. We will have wedding we will have the most beautiful house that I ever saw and we will have nice daughter or son. I´m looking forward this future with my fiancé Michael.
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Komenty k blogu
5. 3.marca 2009 05:32

nice job

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