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30. 5.mája 2022 00:53
5519 dní na BIRDZi
regnutá od 25. januára 2010
The Illusionist.
I am speechless.
One of the best films I have ever seen...
I am speechless.
One of the best films I have ever seen...
36 komentov
5. 10.októbra 2012 22:31

hi man, i plesure veri much u spik engles
@azel well, the trailer seems to be much more helpful
nevertheless, it is about an illusionist, appearently, who is played by Edward Norton, the story is settled in 19. century i guess, he has the ability to trick people´s conscious and what the hell, you definitely should see the trailer
nevertheless, it is about an illusionist, appearently, who is played by Edward Norton, the story is settled in 19. century i guess, he has the ability to trick people´s conscious and what the hell, you definitely should see the trailer
I would like to watch that movie if it was worth it because I like watching films in English and I most watch one series which is not so much for getting better, is it?
@azel well, that´s what illusionist do, trick people´s conscious! they can make truth seem like false and vice versa
It is definitely worth watching, it is what I call a masterpiece but that´s just my opinion, you know.
It is definitely worth watching, it is what I call a masterpiece but that´s just my opinion, you know.
Truth seem like false, you mean, they lie? And the people believe them? Or, they are making tricks just like magicmen?
And couldn´t you tell me more about story of that movie? The characters etc.?
And couldn´t you tell me more about story of that movie? The characters etc.?
@azel you act like you dont know whats the ilusionists job its the kind of magic.
I consider talking about it really useless. watch that
I consider talking about it really useless. watch that
It looks interesting. Thrilling, maybe Just give me a link to download it (quickly the best and let´s get to it
And in addition, it is the American English, right? If you had something in British English, you could also tell me, I would be glad.
@azel I love tw show called Black Books, it´s british, i love it, has a good sense of humor try it
@azel I had it from my sis and i dont know how she came to it...
you are a clever man, you can do it
you are a clever man, you can do it
But "wild guess" doesn´t mean that you think it could also be false?
A shame.
A shame.
@azel the "you are a clever man" was just a wild guess, cause i... guessed I dont know the truth and honestly, I am not so much interested in it I have given you the title, now its up to you whether you use it
So you are about to say that you just babbled, said the first thing that came into your mind, right?
Now I´m hurt.
Now I´m hurt.
@azel not, indeed. What i said is that i hope you are a clever man because in that case you would be able to look for the tw show by yourself.
is that fact supposed to have some influence on me? cause it does not.
is that fact supposed to have some influence on me? cause it does not.
At least that.
Finally, it is better to know that you hope me to be clever than to be stupid.
It means at least that from my previous actions you assumed me to be so so you said that I was like that. And that is good, because it also could mean that you were right because if one makes an impression on the other that he is smart and they express that fact by words, it can be a reasonable sign that it is true. The appeareance can also lie of course, but since I am not a man that pretense something, in the opposite, I am very opened, in this case it probably would be actually the true.
Finally, it is better to know that you hope me to be clever than to be stupid.
It means at least that from my previous actions you assumed me to be so so you said that I was like that. And that is good, because it also could mean that you were right because if one makes an impression on the other that he is smart and they express that fact by words, it can be a reasonable sign that it is true. The appeareance can also lie of course, but since I am not a man that pretense something, in the opposite, I am very opened, in this case it probably would be actually the true.
@azel Your assumptions have gone completely wrong.
The only thing I wanted to express was that I really donot have the energy and will to look it up four you (the tw show - black books) so that the only thing left to do is to hope, that you are able to do it by yourself.
The only thing I wanted to express was that I really donot have the energy and will to look it up four you (the tw show - black books) so that the only thing left to do is to hope, that you are able to do it by yourself.
So, actually, you did not know if I was clever? You just said that because you were too mean to do something for me you said I was capable of doing it on my own, right?
So, what to say, I am disappointed of you. I thought you were a little more altruistic person. So what, you can be mistaken in people sometimes, you know.
So, what to say, I am disappointed of you. I thought you were a little more altruistic person. So what, you can be mistaken in people sometimes, you know.
@azel dpc, bavíme sa o darovaní obličky či vyhľadaní jedného seriálu? dúfam, že som ti neprivodila psychické zrútenie
and yes, i did not know. how am i supposed to know?
and yes, I amnot altruistic. Or at least not to that extent
and yes, i did not know. how am i supposed to know?
and yes, I amnot altruistic. Or at least not to that extent
Why are you speaking Slovak? I thought that you wanted to practise your English, or not?
No, it was not a nervous breakdown, I was just stating the fact, nothing more. I have no doubts that if I needed that and you were a good donor, you would not hesitate for a moment to give me your kidney to make much more pleasing days for me real.
No, it was not a nervous breakdown, I was just stating the fact, nothing more. I have no doubts that if I needed that and you were a good donor, you would not hesitate for a moment to give me your kidney to make much more pleasing days for me real.
@azel you are wrong, I dont need a practise. Not because I would think I am so good but because i have a lot of that.
Whatever, this conversation started to stole my energy and i dont consider it to be economically "a good deal" so... nothing else to say here.
Whatever, this conversation started to stole my energy and i dont consider it to be economically "a good deal" so... nothing else to say here.
Or it is beacuse you speak English worse that me so you need more energy for it which you at this time really don´t want to waste because you need it for much more important things that people usually do in the night.
I understand. I will torture you no more. I am in the end of conversation.
And I consider you a good companion. We can talk again any time. I look forward. Take care of yourself. And all the best to the next day of course.
I understand. I will torture you no more. I am in the end of conversation.
And I consider you a good companion. We can talk again any time. I look forward. Take care of yourself. And all the best to the next day of course.
@azel eh, sorry? Better at english? Jesus christ. I definitely disagree. But, well, as I can see right now, this is not one of the things you are able or you wanna understand so... live your life in another space, i am okay with that indeed
I am fluent in english and it´s not a problem for me to even think in english, the thing which stoles my energy is your extraordinary way of thinking, which was not defitely a compliment.
The only thing is left to say: good luck then
I am fluent in english and it´s not a problem for me to even think in english, the thing which stoles my energy is your extraordinary way of thinking, which was not defitely a compliment.
The only thing is left to say: good luck then
If you are so good, you should know that English is with big "E" and the present tense of "stole" is "steal".
But I don´t want to argue.
If you don´t like me, I can also never write you a word again. So be relaxed.
Good night.
But I don´t want to argue.
If you don´t like me, I can also never write you a word again. So be relaxed.
Good night.

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