save the planet!
1 do not shower
2 appropriate all the corrosive/perfumed chemicals in the house, claiming they are artworks on their own and thus making them archived objects in museums of contemporary art. for good
I remember that I walked around many times in either the woods or the concrete jungle just in order to get lost.
As you can see, I have not accomplished that and I’m still here.
my wallet
my cellphone
my keys
a nuclear reactor
my eyeballs make fart-like sounds
what about this culture’s obsession with clothing and covering body parts? what about when someone decides to be “clean” of these cultural attributes?
what is the resulting societal pressure like when someone decides to regularly or just once walk around naked?
i imagine it is huge, since we are all conditioned this much.
There’s a zero need of substituting anything with anything.
i put a lot of different shoes and trainers in front of the door so that people don’t know how many inhabitants actually live here.
what a strategy!
don’t battle the final boss.
love and embrace the final boss instead and serve them a cool beverage.
sport is the most widely-spread, best etabled sect - your shrug of disapproval confirms this
noses should not bleed unless a crush comes nearby like in these anime cartoons
these five words are enough.
naming cigarettes “incense sticks” because that is exactly what they are
naming mixtapes "salads" ------------------------ | | ------------------------
naming salads “hydrating raw slice assemblages” ------------------------ | | ------------------------
everything happened exactly one year ago.
all the rest is a mere stretch
reblog the pretty, easy stuff for less of that kind of stuff and more obscure, cryptical stuff
missing spooning
spooned a miss
timezoned again
I feel thin, sort of stretched, like cilantro salsa scraped over too much dehydrated pepper
(referencija na Bilba)
what takes sooo long
reply already
i just sent you a 5 page letter
dystopian sext: let’s lie on asphalt and watch smog together
keep your weird powers to yourself
but wait! comb this hairy ball instead
ok i will greet you, although i don’t have to because we’ve met a week ago and i greeted you back then
common nonsense
really would love to attend to (any) gathering this year
it’s spring and this alone is a reason for celebration
the hibernation is over
but if your sabbath/gathering is based on violence towards animals e.g. putting their intestines on a stick, then COUNT. ME. OUT.
that guy who buys very expensive raw protein powders so that he’s gonna exercise whether his later self wants it or not.
what a strategy.
plants make strong uplifting tools but cruel masters
always one seed ahead
why is a complete stranger (that’s not to say there’s something else apart from that) commanding me to wield an umbrella
walking through rain is preferable to walking through a crowd
optimal weather conditions: no humans outside
've changed my stance on this i won't hurt plants for purposes such as this anymore, it's not fair and i can be voluntarily hit by plant defense systems without tearing them to pieces etc.
also go give some love to the plants in your neighbourhood for me
-very fine art
-many subversion
-so post-internet
-relatably meme
despite what the sign on the door says, this flat is in no way linked to the local police station.
drivers who don’t let fresh air inside space from where they operate
the vehicle all day long are a solid reason for trust issues
don’t ever specialize
no oeuvre no masters
lower the voice in the arguing area please.
Procrastination is: to create GIFs instead of videos.
Anonymous asks: But what about Bjork's noise?
What do you mean? Björk’s sensory overload?
Anonymous asks: you look magnificient to day
i’ve sent this to myself
my dash is stuck on one post about looking at flowers
am i the last person on earth?
avocado is a murder.
tasty, tasty, green, not-screaming-in-terror-and-pain-when-you-kill-it murder.
non-biodegradable plastics are so 1930s
-do you want a hug?
-no and don’t come closer please, i’m on an aura cleanse.
11 komentov k blogu
@Eutanazia c:
@schizofrenik I've been taught by the very best
@lubobs ale ja tie veci zväčša myslím dosť vážne, po zistení čoho zväčša osoby, ktorým so mnou (použijúc tvoje slová) muselo byť (aspoň trochu) vtipne, vezmú nohy na plecia a hlava, ramená, kolená, palce taktiež zväčša neotáľajú v utekaní smerom do preč : D
@schizofrenik I've been taught by the very best
@lubobs ale ja tie veci zväčša myslím dosť vážne, po zistení čoho zväčša osoby, ktorým so mnou (použijúc tvoje slová) muselo byť (aspoň trochu) vtipne, vezmú nohy na plecia a hlava, ramená, kolená, palce taktiež zväčša neotáľajú v utekaní smerom do preč : D
práve to je na tom vtipné! mám taký pocit, že by som nechal nohy pod pleciami
idem si spraviť nový acc na t, o chvíľu uvidíš, prečo ^^ (po tomto blogu sa tomu vyhnúť nedá)
naruby ma obrátilo, keď som uvidel, prečo. dala si mi čo-preto. (a stále trvám na tom, čo som bol otoslal v odpovedi na ten ask)
fanbáza mocnie, aj keď ktohovie, či to nie si všetko ty (čo by, napokon, nevadilo)
naruby ma obrátilo, keď som uvidel, prečo. dala si mi čo-preto. (a stále trvám na tom, čo som bol otoslal v odpovedi na ten ask)
fanbáza mocnie, aj keď ktohovie, či to nie si všetko ty (čo by, napokon, nevadilo)
to sú tvoje veci?
lebo ak hej (alebo ak aj len 50 percent a zvyšok metatext), tak je to najlepší, najkreatívnejší, najumeleckejší a najúžasnejší blog na Birdzi (a možno aj na celej planéte) - a to teraz úplne vážne bez sarkazmu myslím
lebo ak hej (alebo ak aj len 50 percent a zvyšok metatext), tak je to najlepší, najkreatívnejší, najumeleckejší a najúžasnejší blog na Birdzi (a možno aj na celej planéte) - a to teraz úplne vážne bez sarkazmu myslím
@blackrisq óÓ) ďakujem
nechce sa mi veru vôbec veriť, že to myslíš vážno-vážne.
samozrejme, niektoré z nich sú reakciami/obmenami vecí, kt. tu nie sú zmienené, ale áno, všetko sú to moje veci z blogu »
nechce sa mi veru vôbec veriť, že to myslíš vážno-vážne.
samozrejme, niektoré z nich sú reakciami/obmenami vecí, kt. tu nie sú zmienené, ale áno, všetko sú to moje veci z blogu »
dal som 17 hviezdičiek, aj to len preto, lebo 5 je maximum, inak by som dal viac

Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Mahmut: O pravom poznaní, v porovnaní s ktorým je to súčasné úbohé
- 2 Y4nn4: Všetkým párom ktoré majú spoločný účet na sociálnej sieti Facebook
- 1 Willbebetter: - - - pretoze si to nedovolim - - -
- 2 Y4nn4: Ako Rytmus naučil celú generáciu mužov slovo "Zlatokopka"
- 3 Bender1010: Príbehy z Paddocku Rok 1999 časť 4.
- 4 Pravnik: Nemorálnosť bohatstva - 10 výrokov slávnych
- 5 Mahmut: Obžaloba ľudstva za jeho zvrátené tvorenie a vládnutie
- 6 Y4nn4: Moje výhrady voči BRICS
- 7 Mahmut: Stručne a jasne! Blíži sa k nám Hviezda Syna Človeka!
- 8 Luboos: Hav Hav
- 9 Mahmut: O pravom poznaní, v porovnaní s ktorým je to súčasné úbohé
- 10 Y4nn4: Všetkým párom ktoré majú spoločný účet na sociálnej sieti Facebook
-no and don’t come closer please, i’m on an aura cleanse.
Anonymous asks: you look magnificient to day
i’ve sent this to myself
naming salads “hydrating raw slice assemblages”