every morning I wake up with clear mind, pure as virgin oil.

most mornings in a mud panel box (human dwelling, boardinghouse), head pointing east so that sunshine hits me as I get up.
doesn't happen anymore. atleast I see the coloured clouds drifting quickly across the heavenly heights.
get clothes on. brush teeth. drink a glass of water. jump into shoes.
doesn't necessarily have to come in that order.

almost a hour long trip to school by tram and bus. among the hundreds of familiar morning faces my usually stable patience begins to fall off. as well as the mask of a polite stranger.
same familiar faces in that institute. in fact, less of them. everything seems to be disappearing. disappear me, disappear you.

disappear here.
we will.

I talk to those faces. forgetting how much memories they hide inside. just the way they forget.
eat something. drink something. like an animal.
photograph. look at photographs. like a human.

check out the city/cities humans have built.
then take a good long shower and a deeper look.
who the fuck am I?
deeper look didn't aid me to find out.

the shallow view, though... might suffice.
the simpler your requirements are, the happier you shall be.

i'm falling asleep with the mind distorted
thousand answers with no questions

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