31-ročný muž, utajený, jedi
najnedávnejšie lognutie
10. 3.marca 2020 12:23
4901 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 26. júna 2011
Mirrors mirrors
2 komenty
24. 4.apríla 2016 21:59
Everywhere everywhere
"There are no 'your friends', there are just your mirrors."
"And as I was sitting there, in the train's restaurant, drinking water a always, I saw my body's reflection in the mirror and suddenly a crystal clear thought has emerged in my mind, accompanied with the feeling of accomplishment and joy: 'Thank you for accepting me.'" The acceptance of what Is, of myself has struck me.
It was there all along. There was no other. There was nothing external that could validate me, there was no attention outside of myself that could do anything except for helping me grow. There was no other that could give me what I can provide, this self-acceptance. Since I accept myself, I can now truly begin to accept and be grateful to my mirrors just for them being them. To all the others who manifest as persons, human or non-human.
"And as I was sitting there, in the train's restaurant, drinking water a always, I saw my body's reflection in the mirror and suddenly a crystal clear thought has emerged in my mind, accompanied with the feeling of accomplishment and joy: 'Thank you for accepting me.'" The acceptance of what Is, of myself has struck me.
It was there all along. There was no other. There was nothing external that could validate me, there was no attention outside of myself that could do anything except for helping me grow. There was no other that could give me what I can provide, this self-acceptance. Since I accept myself, I can now truly begin to accept and be grateful to my mirrors just for them being them. To all the others who manifest as persons, human or non-human.
Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Miro777: Dnes mam koncorocny pohovor s podriadenou ktora caka povysenie a miesto toho jej povieme...
- 2 Tulipanoo: nechcem nic hovorit ale zakazala by som v open office opätky
- 3 Lostinthedark: Akurat som sa zobudil po nocnej. Snivalo sa mi, ze mi Tomas zas...
- 4 Karamella: Konečne som si našla byt, ktorý sa mi páčil, mal dobrú lokalitu...
- 1 Miro777: Dnes mam koncorocny pohovor s podriadenou ktora caka povysenie a miesto toho jej povieme...
- 2 Tulipanoo: nechcem nic hovorit ale zakazala by som v open office opätky
- 3 458katka: chcela by som žiť bez kabelky
- 4 Lostinthedark: Akurat som sa zobudil po nocnej. Snivalo sa mi, ze mi Tomas zas...
- 5 Karamella: Konečne som si našla byt, ktorý sa mi páčil, mal dobrú lokalitu...
- 6 Hovado: Kým hodinky Prim idú aj položené na stole, Pabjedy potrebujú pohyb, inak...
- 1 Ladydoga: Nechcem už žiť...
- 2 Tomas5555555: Mesačne miniem 54 eur na jedlo a som najedený do sýta ...
- 3 Teal: Jaguar sa aktuálne chystá zasamovraždiť svoju históriu, odkaz, identitu a pre mňa...
- 4 Karamella: Brata zobrali do BIG4, dnes som hrdá sestra < 3
- 5 Tomas5555555: @LEJLA32 mas zdravie, lasku, peniaze a napriek tomu mas depky....
- 6 Miro777: Dnes mam koncorocny pohovor s podriadenou ktora caka povysenie a miesto toho jej povieme...
- 7 Domek: Robím malý výskum, minireportáž o “Satanic panic” na území Slovenska (Československa) v obdobi...
- 8 Karamella: Kúpila som si IPL epilator od Philipsu, som zvedavá, či na to...
- 9 Hovado: Poriadky všade okolo mňa a stále je tu bordel... Ja to nechápem, celé...
- 10 Tulipanoo: nechcem nic hovorit ale zakazala by som v open office opätky