38-ročný muž, na dievčatá
najnedávnejšie lognutie
9. 11.novembra 2016 09:21
6346 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 12. júla 2007
2 komenty
Well he loved his people and he loved his country,
He loved his flag, he was proud of it,
Although he knew he'd have to fight for it,
He never knew he'd have to die for it - oh no,
Stuck out there in someone elses war,
What the hell did you go there for,
Was it the money, was it the glory,
Now you're just another page in that horror story,
Died in Poland,
Died in the Falklands,
Died in Belfast,
Died in Beirut,
His mother cried, she's got a broken heart,
She had her doubts right from the start,
No one else cared about that guy,
Flash on the news, no real goodbye,
O my heart goes out to you,
Why were you such a fool,
Couldn't you see what was going on,
Just blast in the dark and now you're gone.
He loved his flag, he was proud of it,
Although he knew he'd have to fight for it,
He never knew he'd have to die for it - oh no,
Stuck out there in someone elses war,
What the hell did you go there for,
Was it the money, was it the glory,
Now you're just another page in that horror story,
Died in Poland,
Died in the Falklands,
Died in Belfast,
Died in Beirut,
His mother cried, she's got a broken heart,
She had her doubts right from the start,
No one else cared about that guy,
Flash on the news, no real goodbye,
O my heart goes out to you,
Why were you such a fool,
Couldn't you see what was going on,
Just blast in the dark and now you're gone.
Napíš svoj komentár
- 1 Karamella: Konečne som si našla byt, ktorý sa mi páčil, mal dobrú lokalitu...
- 2 Lostinthedark: Akurat som sa zobudil po nocnej. Snivalo sa mi, ze mi Tomas zas...
- 3 Teal:
- 4 Robinsonleon44: I'm back. Call me The Wizard of Oz
- 1 Miro777: Dnes mam koncorocny pohovor s podriadenou ktora caka povysenie a miesto toho jej povieme...
- 2 Karamella: Konečne som si našla byt, ktorý sa mi páčil, mal dobrú lokalitu...
- 3 Tulipanoo: nechcem nic hovorit ale zakazala by som v open office opätky
- 4 458katka: chcela by som žiť bez kabelky
- 5 Lostinthedark: Akurat som sa zobudil po nocnej. Snivalo sa mi, ze mi Tomas zas...
- 6 Hovado: Kým hodinky Prim idú aj položené na stole, Pabjedy potrebujú pohyb, inak...
- 7 Teal:
- 8 Robinsonleon44: I'm back. Call me The Wizard of Oz
- 1 Ladydoga: Nechcem už žiť...
- 2 Tomas5555555: Mesačne miniem 54 eur na jedlo a som najedený do sýta ...
- 3 Miro777: Dnes mam koncorocny pohovor s podriadenou ktora caka povysenie a miesto toho jej povieme...
- 4 Teal: Jaguar sa aktuálne chystá zasamovraždiť svoju históriu, odkaz, identitu a pre mňa...
- 5 Karamella: Brata zobrali do BIG4, dnes som hrdá sestra < 3
- 6 Tomas5555555: @LEJLA32 mas zdravie, lasku, peniaze a napriek tomu mas depky....
- 7 Karamella: Konečne som si našla byt, ktorý sa mi páčil, mal dobrú lokalitu...
- 8 Domek: Robím malý výskum, minireportáž o “Satanic panic” na území Slovenska (Československa) v obdobi...
- 9 Tulipanoo: nechcem nic hovorit ale zakazala by som v open office opätky
- 10 Karamella: Kúpila som si IPL epilator od Philipsu, som zvedavá, či na to...