I am in the middle of the streets. There are people around me. I look at them, wondering what I am doing here. They are strangers to me. All of them. I feel that I don’t belong here. I cannot comprehend their thinking. Poor entities. Or is it me the poor one? Perhaps it shouldn’t be me pitting them. Vice versa. Perhaps it should be them pitting me. ‘Cause what am I? I cannot keep walking with them. I am on another road. Totally different one. But I have to ask myself – is it the right one? Or have I lost myself on the road called LIFE? Well, I have, unfortunately, no answer regarding my question. It’s no good. I need to find the real stream, the only correct one for me. Or what else can I do?

I see differently than the other people do. I hear differently. Feel differently. Understand differently. I am strongly persuaded that I do not belong here. I am far away from the thinking of the others. Yes, I have surely lost my path and cannot find the way heading back. The only thing I can now do is walking ahead and searching another way. Oh, kami-sama, what should I do? Totally lost. Is there anybody who can actually understand my personality? With no prejudice? I cannot share my thoughts and feelings with anybody because nobody can understand. At least it seems so. They do not know me at all. They will not comprehend. They don’t even want to. Don’t even try to. Oh, such pitiful thoughts are flowing across my mind.

I need a help. Who will lend me a hand and say “I am here for you. I know you. I understand you. Take my hand and I will make you happy again. You won’t be alone anymore. Come on!”? But does such a person exist? If so, then this person doesn’t have any idea of my existence. Pche, just like a magic circle. So now I am here, desperately asking for a help. Waiting for a reply. RSVP!

klidopido  6. 12. 2008 19:07
nepochybujm že je to pekný článok ale sa mi to nechce prekladať
norry  6. 12. 2008 21:13
ten predchadzajuci koment ma asi taky zmysel ako ja, keby som chodila na futbal...

krasny clanok a znova mam pocit, ze birdz bol stvoreny, aby sme sa my dve stretli
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