Take a deep look into your life´s eyes
Is there your real life or only it´s false wife?
You must feel every season to know
What´s your life talking about

R: If you want to stay strong
Take a deep look into your life´s eyes
If you´ll ever last your way
Take a deep look into your life´s eyes
What kind of flame hurts your bones?

Deep emotions are dancing with your soul
But only one can hold you through
Hard changes, lost loves and hopes
No one ever feel your emotions

R: If you want to stay strong...

And than you will need to walk with your fire towards drifting waters
When you want to drown in these dark emotions
But look into your life´s eyes
And you´ll see the flame of hope again

R: If you want to stay strong...

Nobody knows what music are you hearing
Only you and your life listen it
Take a deep look into your life´s eyes
And scream out what your inside world feels!

wednesday  22. 3. 2009 19:23
a toto čo?
vikiki  23. 3. 2009 16:51
Nechápeš tomu?
wednesday  23. 3. 2009 16:59
ja len že ty píšeš piesne??? teda viem, že píšeš, len si ich nechcela zverejniť, takže správna otázka je: ty zverejňuješ piesne???
vikiki  1. 4. 2009 12:09
Tak, skúsila som toto. Ale pochybujem, že by tomu niekto rozumel. Ináč ani nemám veľa piesní. Táto sa mi len tak náhodou vydarila.
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