as I think of it it seems like an easy step as I see it inside my mind it feels great just one cut just one jump or a few swallows the end of all the misery end of all the pain just one step just one shot four breathless moments to stop the hurting stop the tears just a short rope just an icy cold or some burning flames to end it all to fuck them all but what is it like in real? what is the truth? is it really that easy? like turning off the light before you go to sleep? is it worth of trying? what if it fails? what if the Death refuses to rule? what then? what to do in that case? to live as an cripple taken away to a booby hatch feeling lonely living lonely no sweet taste in honey no joy of blooming tulips I find it all the same being locked up means no freedom suicide means hell this life means just pain i wanna be a crazy daw living his own world hitch-hiking the life living on the edge i wanna be happy insane Blog 0 0 0 0 0 Komentuj