34-ročný muž
najnedávnejšie lognutie
13. 6.júna 2008 21:30
6257 dní na BIRDZi
regnutý od 16. januára 2008
Jeho blog
Somethin´,,,,( ked uz ma byt toho trapneho Valentina :-! )
I miss u so bad... I don´t forget u..I hope u can hear me... I ly remember the day when u left me here alone. U said u´re going to do the best for u. I didn´t understand your scary words which completely took... Ďalej »
Vymyslený príbeh, 13. 2. 2008 19:06 2
Another bullshits xP
I was scared and lonely. Noone could help me and i was invisible. But I´ve found something helpful for me. It was heroine... It´s difficult to understand why I always wanna get so high. Why I always wanna fly... ______________ ... Ďalej »
The new one xP /mensia uprava-for him- her/
What is love?... Love is when there are butterflies in your stomach while he/she passes u in your class... Love is when your heart beats hundred times faster while he/she is lookin´at u... Love is when u have so many words to say,... Ďalej »
Some bullshits xP
U went away, took my heart, I dropped a tear, and died that night. Leave me alone, don´t come any closer. I´m so alone, ... Ďalej »
SaD stOrY,,. xP
Boy: What ? Girl: I really like u, and I... I think I´m fallin´in love with u Boy: OK Girl: What do u mean with this "OK" ? Boy: Idon´t like u that... Girl:... Ďalej »
Another blog from Bluebaystar x)
Sedela v tmavom rohu. V mysli sa jej premietali spomienky ako film. Videla ich prvé stretnutie, prvý bozk... Vedela, že len On mal ten pravý kľúč k jej srdcu. Vždy chceli spolu dokázať, že rozprávka sa dá premeniť na realitu.... Ďalej »