I shout names out into the universe.
Noone shall ever hear.
Infinite space and infinite time.
Millions of things to fear.
I curl into a spiral of worms and leeches,
shake off the smell of living creatures,
I shout your name into the universe,
a name noone knows,
infinite space and infinite time!
Infinite highs to underline your lows.
I doom myself to servitude.
To invisible masters of invisible states.
One is a multitude.
Don´t doubt the unity of the nil and the great.
I shall be me for as long as I can.
I is I until the letters drown
in golden dawns of non-identity...
in the scarcity of quantity...
...and quality.
I doom myself to servitude.
To invisible masters of invisible states.
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
(One is nothingness and one with nothingness and one of nothingness and zero one...)
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.