Nejaké slovíčka, mix časov , otvor si a prekladaj čo nevieš a spájaj slová do viet a súvetí, cez google to nemá význam. ... asi si zacnem davat robit ulohy na birdz nie ?
One day was Mr. Novak coming back home from work. He opened the door and put the bag on the floor. As he was looking around the flat, he saw an envelope on the table. He run there quickly, opened it and read it full of impression. When he realized, he won 1 million dollars, he jumped into the air. He opened the bottle of champaign and turn the music on. Full of happiness he called all the relatives and told them good news. Then he washed the dishes. When he was hovering the floor he felt exhausted, so he decided to go to bed. He brushed his teeth and went to bed. When he was wondering about his really good day, he fell asleep. .... BTW vvacsiu kktinu som neprekladala
Ona fucking day Mr Nowak was coming from work. He has opened the fucking door and put the fucking bag on the floor.. When he was watching the fucking litter in his fucking flat he saw an envelope on fucking table. He has run by table quickly opened that and read the envelop with fucking interest. When he found out he won a million dolars he fucked himself. He opend fucking drink a started a party. He was very happy, he called to everyone of his family and told them about his fucking happiness. The dish was wahed up later. When he was hoovering a room felt tiredly and exhausted so he decided to go to fucking bad. He washed up his teeth a laid to fucking bad. He felt asleep by thinking of the happy day.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
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