Ian Stuart sa narodil 11. augusta 1957 v Poulton - le Fylde neďaleko Blackpoolu v Lancashire. Všetko sa to začalo, keď s pár priateľmi založil skupinu Tumbling Dice koncom roka 1975. Skupine dal názov on, pretože je to jeden z mnohých hitov ešte dnes znám
ian stuart je pre mna nieco viac ako clovek..on je totis velky muz ktory toho dokazal viac ako ostatny bojovnici za bielu rasu..mnohy onom hovoria ze nic nedokazal ale naopak nebt jeho dnes je v anglicku asi taky zivot ako u nas na slovensku..skoda ze takych ludi je velmi malo alebo ziaden
Nebudem tit u nadavat, lebo typom ako si ty, nadavanie aj tak nepomoze. JA som proti fasizmu a proti rasizmu. Sturat a jemu podobni akurat zneuzili nazov skins. Povodni skini NIKDY neboli nackovia.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
21 komentov
Velice fašáci ho uznávajú a to im vôbec nevadí že bol punkáč keď je ich veľký vzor?
Jak se tohle mohlo stát, stále nad tím přemýšlím, osud ten ti život vzal, a ty si s vírou v srdci umíral!
vrať se nám vrať se nám, bojovníku hrdý, postav se jen ku*vam! Náš svět bude bíly.
Ian couldn´t drive a car
As we all know
He trusted too much in all his gods
And though he´s been a human being
We don´t feel any sorrow for him
Now we got rid of one of those cunts
He´s been one of our most important enemies
So we forget our respect for life
Cause all he did was senseless shit
So we´re all happy that Ian is gone...
And we can be sure that Ian is gone, cause he´s dead
So we´re all happy that Ian is dead...
And we can be sure that Ian is dead, cause he´s gone
He alway said heß´ll die in a fight
In a fight for himself and his master-race
Now we don´t know where he will be
But it´s obvisiously not in Walhalla
But where he is now he can meet good old Adolf
Both killed themselves cause they´re fucking stupid
Will Ian like Adolf when he meets him down there
Will Adolf like Ian or tell him to fuck off
So we´re all happy that Ian is gone...
And we can be sure that Ian is gone, cause he´s dead
So we´re all happy that Ian is dead...
And we can be sure that Ian is dead, cause he´s gone
He´s responsible for racist murders
Responsible for hate and violence
All his life was brown as shit
So we flush the loo and he is gone
Now we´re here and still living now
Having our fun and thinking about him
He´s been the one who misused the word "Skinhead"
He himself was never one - he was a fucking Bonehead!
So we´re all happy that Ian is gone...
And we can be sure that Ian is gone, cause he´s dead
So we´re all happy that Ian is dead...
And we can be sure that Ian is dead, cause he´s gone
Ian is dead...