bol by mi niekto ochotný preložiť tieto vety do angličny?
Má 46 miliónov obyvateľov.
Ich národným jedlom je paellou, tortillou, a sangriou.
Španielskym tancom je flamengo.
Nachádza sa v Európe.
Nachádza sa na Pyrenejskom polostrove.
Rozloha španielska je
Yo, dude, it got 46 mil people. Crazy!
Eating paellou, tortillou and sangriou like ALL da time!
Spanish gals know da moves of flamenco.
Frickin Europe in da house!
They be chillin by the Pyrenees.
Yo mama is so huge she covers an area of 504 782 km² - just like Spain!
Pimpin in €.
One king to rule em all.
Dem people like to watch da bulls fuck shit up.
Badass mothafucka on da top be Juan Carlos da FIRST!
France, Portuguese, Andorra and Gibraltar be chillin next to Spain. But they be not as cool as my homies.
Ownin da place from 1512.
Madrid is da hood, da craddle, where all da shit is going down.
3 mil of my homies be chillin in Madrid.
Thank you fucking much, you da man!
It has a population of 45 million.
Their national dish is paella, tortilla and sangria.
Spanish dance is flamenco alebo Spain´s dance is flamenco..neviem.
It is located in Europe.
It is located on the Iberian Peninsula.
The area of Spain is 504 782 km².
Their currency is euro.
Spain has a Monarchy.
Typical for Spain are bullfights.
The king of the Spain is Juan Carlos I.
It borders with France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.
Spain was established in 1512.
The capital of Spain is Madrid.
It has a population of 3 million.
pravdepodobne tam je vela chýb, nezvykla som prekladať z angličtiny ale snád to niekto doladí
Spanien hat 46 Milionen Einwohner.
Ihre Nationalesse ist Paellou, Torillou und Sangriou.
Spanischer Tanz ist Flamengo.
Spanien ist in der Europa.
Spanien ist auf der Pyrenejn Insel
Spanien ist 504 782 km² gross.
Ihrer Zahlungsmittel ist Euro.
spanien hat Monarchie.
Stierkämpfe sind typisch fur Spanien.
Spanischer Konig ist Juan Carlos 1.
Spanien grenzt an Frankreich, Portugal, Gibraltar und Andorra.
Spanien entstand in jahr 1512.
Die Haupstadt des Spanien ist Madrid.
Madrid hat 3 Milionen Einwohner.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
13 komentov
Eating paellou, tortillou and sangriou like ALL da time!
Spanish gals know da moves of flamenco.
Frickin Europe in da house!
They be chillin by the Pyrenees.
Yo mama is so huge she covers an area of 504 782 km² - just like Spain!
Pimpin in €.
One king to rule em all.
Dem people like to watch da bulls fuck shit up.
Badass mothafucka on da top be Juan Carlos da FIRST!
France, Portuguese, Andorra and Gibraltar be chillin next to Spain. But they be not as cool as my homies.
Ownin da place from 1512.
Madrid is da hood, da craddle, where all da shit is going down.
3 mil of my homies be chillin in Madrid.
Thank you fucking much, you da man!
Their national dish is paella, tortilla and sangria.
Spanish dance is flamenco alebo Spain´s dance is flamenco..neviem.
It is located in Europe.
It is located on the Iberian Peninsula.
The area of Spain is 504 782 km².
Their currency is euro.
Spain has a Monarchy.
Typical for Spain are bullfights.
The king of the Spain is Juan Carlos I.
It borders with France, Portugal, Andorra and Gibraltar.
Spain was established in 1512.
The capital of Spain is Madrid.
It has a population of 3 million.
pravdepodobne tam je vela chýb, nezvykla som prekladať z angličtiny ale snád to niekto doladí
Ihre Nationalesse ist Paellou, Torillou und Sangriou.
Spanischer Tanz ist Flamengo.
Spanien ist in der Europa.
Spanien ist auf der Pyrenejn Insel
Spanien ist 504 782 km² gross.
Ihrer Zahlungsmittel ist Euro.
spanien hat Monarchie.
Stierkämpfe sind typisch fur Spanien.
Spanischer Konig ist Juan Carlos 1.
Spanien grenzt an Frankreich, Portugal, Gibraltar und Andorra.
Spanien entstand in jahr 1512.
Die Haupstadt des Spanien ist Madrid.
Madrid hat 3 Milionen Einwohner.