@sarita621 Nemyslíš vážne, že väzbu to+gerund nepoznáš. Preboha veď to je základná angličtina! Naštuduj si gramatiku, kým zo seba spravíš debila a ideš opravovať niekoho, pre koho je anglický jazyk ako kyslík. A mimochodom väzbu RESPODED BY THE PHONE by nepoužil ani maďar učiaci sa angličtinu týždeň.
@vintagedinosaur no však ja som nevravela, že prvá preložená veta bola nesprávne... hovorila som o druhej... však ing forma nejde dokopy s TO predtym... jak je to v tej druhej vete preložene
@sarita621 Lebo je to úplne neprirodzená angličtina, tzv. slovakizmus, dievča zlaté If you want to prove yourself right, I dare you to argue in English.
@sarita621 Thank you for that compliment. My point is that using 'to' plus a verb in the continuous form is in certain cases gramatically correct. Take e.g. the phrase "I'm looking forward to hearing from you" - in fact it would be very wrong to use "... forward to hear from you."
"Confess to commiting the crime" is exactly the same. In this case "commiting" stands as a form of a verbal noun.
@kofolavsrdci I see.... well... okay, then... I would like to apologize myself for my useless objection.. yes, you´re right with your example... I forgot something like that.. thanks, you´ve corrected me... I am sorry.. but that brainiac I didn´t mean serious ... it wasn´t compliment but now... it´s right word to use because of your explanation
@sarita621 Yes, that is a fixed expression, but even in those the grammar rules ought to be followed. In the sentence above, the part "commintting the crime" can be considered as one object. "Commiting" is a noun and that's why it can follow "to". To be honest I've never been into grammar theorems, so I can't explain it better. Another example I found is "He had admitted to deserving the death penalty", where using "deserve" would be incorrect. English is a funny language full of mysteries like these
@kofolavsrdci okay, okay.... thanks for your examples I am sorry for trying to argue and... I am going back to write my fan fiction stories Of course, they´re in English and... when you´ve explained me everything now... I can correct my few mistakes so... you´ve tought me something new at least thanks
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
22 komentov
Upokoj sa, v tomto význame to je správne
The thief spoke into the phone. He pleaded guilty to the crime.
"Confess to commiting the crime" is exactly the same. In this case "commiting" stands as a form of a verbal noun.
the phone rang thief. confessed to the crime