Ako poviem v angličtine: "Ak sa ich spýtate, čomu vďačia za svoj úspech, povedia vám, že hlavným kľúčom k ich úspechu bola veľká snaha (hard work), ktorú vynaložili počas celej svojej kariéry. Štastie bola už len taká čerešnička na torte."
If u ask them what the fuck is the key of their fuckin success, they will tell you, that the main reason is not fuckin sittin on the big ass, but fuckin hard work bitch, which they were gettin out for whole of their fuckin carrier, yo dumb bitch. Luck was only fuckin shit on the top of the dick.
If you ask them, what made them successful, they will tell you, that their key from success was hard work, which they did during their whole career. Happiness was just such a cherry on the cake.
@michalka1 No ja viem, len mne to proste vyznieva v mojom kontexte viac ako snaha, lebo ťažkú prácu si niekto môže vysvetliť trošku inak, než ako som to myslela ja.
If you ask them what was the key to their success, they will tell you that the key was the hard work they invested throughout their career. The luck was just a cherry on top.
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
19 komentov
If you ask them, what made them successful, they will tell you, that their key from success was hard work, which they did during their whole career. Happiness was just such a cherry on the cake.
Kuju. Ja som si nebola istá svojou gramatikou pri podmienkach.
Vždy som chcela v takejto ankete niekomu poradiť
key to success, nie from success..
snaha sa povie effort nie hard work...
a z kontextu, hoci tak krátkeho by som povedala že to šťastie tam sa nemyslí ako happiness ale ako luck, či?
A tak ako teda správne preložiť hard work? Ťažká práca?