bola vypracovaná psychologická štúdia o tom, že zo sna rozpravaju nevyrovnane osobnosti (pribl. 5% dospelých ľudi a pribl. 50% adolescentov)
citujem cast:
"The content of sleep-speech is often emotional, and reveals a desire, an unsatisfied wish, an awaited pleasure, a regret, or more often a state of fear, anxiety, anguish or terror. The terrifying ideas of ghosts, goblins and ogres in children, persecution ideas of the demented, the unconscious reproduction of dreadful events, a terrible remorse manifesting itself in an hypnagogic hallucination [sic], scenes of imminent peril or tenderness, the unconscious memory of many moral and physical sufferings, the thousand struggles of the mind, varied, intertwined and exaggerated by a dream -- these are the common
ze vraj hej.. ale len ked spim kde nesom zvyknuty.. napr. v chorvatsku som jeden den vzdychal jak pri sexe a druhy som hovoril: "HEJ, hej.. Hej ,hej".. potom sa zo mna u*ebavali xD
dnes mi sestra bovedala ze o 3:00 (blby cas lucifer sa vismiva svetej trojici) som povedal ze "a teraz sa pohrajeme z casom" a o 15 min som 3-krat pomaly povedal ha ha ha ha
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
20 komentov
ale brat stále niečo vypotí kým ja ešte nespím .. sranda celkom
citujem cast:
"The content of sleep-speech is often emotional, and reveals a desire, an unsatisfied wish, an awaited pleasure, a regret, or more often a state of fear, anxiety, anguish or terror. The terrifying ideas of ghosts, goblins and ogres in children, persecution ideas of the demented, the unconscious reproduction of dreadful events, a terrible remorse manifesting itself in an hypnagogic hallucination [sic], scenes of imminent peril or tenderness, the unconscious memory of many moral and physical sufferings, the thousand struggles of the mind, varied, intertwined and exaggerated by a dream -- these are the common
subjects of sleep-talking"
ale najviac ma pobavilo, ked mojho brata kamarát zo sna prehovoril:
Kalkulačka medzera,
zajtra bude nedela.