13, pričom píše že medzi 12 a 15 je priemer. Čakal som, že sa nájdem niekde v strede, lebo v niektorých veciach by sa dalo povedať, že som narcista a v niektorých zasa takmer vôbec.
akože vedela som, že nie som narcis, no myslela som, že kuštičok trochu maličkú hej no výsledok 4, hm... Ale možnosti ktoré boli ponúknuté na mňa dosť sedeli :ehm:
This trait refers to whether a person feels they are more superior than those around them. You scored particularly high in superiority, suggesting you feel you are superior to most others.
Your Total: 29
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Because you scored 18 or higher, you may want to check out the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.
prosím ale vela vecí tam boli ohladom cielavedoomosti, ambicii a toho či je človek skôr vodca alebo viac submisívny... a to až tak s narcizmom...nevadí idem si prečítať symptomy svojej "poruchy"... dufam že tam i nejaky zoznam farmaceutik bude
4... inak zaujímavé, presne tento test sme spomínali včera na prednáške zo psycho. Ale príde mi dosť transparentný. Tvrdenia, ktoré sa vzťahujú na narcistickú osobnosť sú podľa mňa príliš očividné a test sa dá ľahko zmanipulovať.
Your Total: 8
a najväčšie skóre v Exploitativeness: 4.00 -> Exploitativeness
This trait refers to how willing you are to exploit others in order to meet your own needs or goals. You scored particularly high in exploitativeness, suggesting you don't mind exploiting others in order to meet your own needs or goals.
ale vela otazok tam bolo za autoritu a vodcovstvo, co je u mna v silnej miere, ale s narcizmom to nie je uzko prepojene, prave Vanity mam najmensie skore
Test to bol celkom zvláštne spracovaný, ja síce týmto testom neverím, ale vyšlo mi číslo 9, takže súhlasím s výsledkom. Výsledok spočíva v kombinácii istých vlastností:
Autorita: 1.00
Sebestačnosť: 1.00
Nadradenosť: 3.00
Predvádzanie sa: 0.00
Využívanie ostatných: 0.00
Pýcha: 0.00
Nárokovanie si: 4.00
Roleta je špeciálny inkognito mód, ktorým skryješ obsah obrazovky pred samým sebou, alebo inou osobou v tvojej izbe (napr. mama). Roletu odroluješ tak, že na ňu klikneš.
71 komentov
ano, som narcisticka a nepotrebujem test na to
Authority: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 1.00
Mal som 15. Čakal som viac, mám sa rád.
Self-Sufficiency: 0.00
Superiority: 4.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 0.00
This trait refers to whether a person feels they are more superior than those around them. You scored particularly high in superiority, suggesting you feel you are superior to most others.
To nie je mozne.
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Because you scored 18 or higher, you may want to check out the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder.
prosím ale vela vecí tam boli ohladom cielavedoomosti, ambicii a toho či je človek skôr vodca alebo viac submisívny... a to až tak s narcizmom...nevadí idem si prečítať symptomy svojej "poruchy"... dufam že tam i nejaky zoznam farmaceutik bude
Self-Sufficiency: 5.00
Superiority: 4.00
Exhibitionism: 6.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Your Total: 3
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Authority: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 0.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 4.00
Superiority: 4.00
Exhibitionism: 3.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 4.00
self sufficiency: 5
žiadne vanity, žiadne exploitativeness
Narcissistic Trait Strength of Trait
Authority: 2.00
Self-Sufficiency: 4.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 5.00
Authority: 5.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 4.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 4.00
Your Total: 23
Authority: 7.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 4.00
myslela som, ze z vanity budem mat viac
a najväčšie skóre v Exploitativeness: 4.00 -> Exploitativeness
This trait refers to how willing you are to exploit others in order to meet your own needs or goals. You scored particularly high in exploitativeness, suggesting you don't mind exploiting others in order to meet your own needs or goals.
Authority: 6.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 1.00
To ta autorita robi narcisa?
Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Authority: 8.00
Self-Sufficiency: 5.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 3.00
Úrad: 2.00
Sebestačnosť: 2.00
Nadradenosť: 2.00
Exhibicionizmus: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 1.00
Oprávnenie: 1.00
Authority: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Všimli ste si, že tie otázky sa niekedy opakovali, len v zmenenom tvare?
Authority: 7.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 6.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 6.00
Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 3.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 1.00
Authority: 4.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 1.00
Between 12 and 15 is average.
Celebrities often score closer to 18.
Narcissists score over 20.
Narcissistic Trait
Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 2.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 3.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Vysledok bol zarazajuci, ma to takmer rovnaku uspesnost - staci sa narcisa opytat a on vam to sam oznami.
Ako poznáš vegetariána a vegána, sám ti to povie.
( #noflejmpls.org )
Authority: 7.00
Self-Sufficiency: 4.00
Superiority: 5.00
Exhibitionism: 7.00
Exploitativeness: 5.00
Vanity: 3.00
Entitlement: 5.00
ale vela otazok tam bolo za autoritu a vodcovstvo, co je u mna v silnej miere, ale s narcizmom to nie je uzko prepojene, prave Vanity mam najmensie skore
Authority: 3.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 3.00
Exploitativeness: 0.00
Vanity: 1.00
Entitlement: 1.00
ale strašne okatý a blbý test
Authority: 1.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 0.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Authority: 4.00
Self-Sufficiency: 3.00
Superiority: 3.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 1.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 3.00
niečo také som čakala
Self-Sufficiency: 0.00
Superiority: 2.00
Exhibitionism: 2.00
Exploitativeness: 3.00
Vanity: 2.00
Entitlement: 3.00
Score: 18
So, what about you, my precious peasants?
Authority: 0.00
Self-Sufficiency: 1.00
Superiority: 1.00
Exhibitionism: 1.00
Exploitativeness: 2.00
Vanity: 0.00
Entitlement: 2.00
Autorita: 1.00
Sebestačnosť: 1.00
Nadradenosť: 3.00
Predvádzanie sa: 0.00
Využívanie ostatných: 0.00
Pýcha: 0.00
Nárokovanie si: 4.00