(Rada pisem v anglictine.. neviem ale je to take prirodzenejsie..)
When you feel alone,
like a tree in the middle of desert...
When there is nobody,
who could make you feel happy...
When everybody around you
is going crazy...
When everything what you do
is ridiculously wrong...
Then only thing that you can do
is not to give up!
Look around you…
This world is so beautiful…
Everything is not so bad like it looks.
When you feel alone,
I’ll be there for you…
When you’ll be sad,
I’ll be the one,
who’ll make you feel happy.
When everzthing is going crazy,
I’ll be the one normal person for you.
When something will go wrong,
I’ll be the one,
who will help you to do everything right.
So don’t give up,
because there’s still somebody,
who loves you so much...
IT´S ME!!!
(venované všetkým mojim srdiečkam...::...Veď oni už budú vedieť
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