Repeating rituals every night
Filling the stores their home
Riding on the black machines
By night the armies of monsters scrambling out
Under command of crusher
With iron machines going to forest
Gnashing engines, nasty sound
Going from deep underground
The night is their day, time to hunt
Running across the forest, and take the fear
The birth of terrible experience
The beginning of night ride
The engines of riding machines
You hear from deep hole
Coming from dark hills
The escape is chance to survive
To take some machine
Ride about life
Trap the torche and to see way
Breaking everything obstacles
Cutting by sound of engines the fear
The night is full the lights
You take that chance to escape
Riding there down again
slowing down machines, switch off engines
They adhere the rituals for life
They hide their identity by day
But another sunset give the might them
To go to hunt again
For you starts another the night ride
With the black machines you rides
And you crush that fear
In the night seeing those monsters
And they will to persecute you
They can to take you under
Cutting with the iron wheels ground
The laughter and the scream spreads from underground
The monsters is running and scrambling from down
The beginning madness experience
Appearing the files of fear
The night monsters sucking life
And ending every the hunt
With red flag
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